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  1. Akumazoku

    Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    Didin't know where to put it, so it landed here as it is a question. Im a kind of wannabe writer, and the setting of this mod have great potential. Am I allowed to write and post my story in this universum in the future? I know that making all those factions and characters had to take a lot of work so I don't want to shamelessly steal them before asking. I have an idea to maybe make the story a bit interactive with the community of the forum, implementing some of their characters/ideas.
  2. Akumazoku

    Perisno Version 0.81 - The Main Thread (HF0.811 - March 11, 2017, 10:37:18 AM)

    Is it intended for Zann to steamroll all the factions? I understand it is a huge invasion, but capturing all starting Elintor and Tolranian cities and castles (except Vinica defended by me and my glorious legions of stolen Noble Elintorian Maidens and Galwe that was just too far for lazy Zann to conquer) in 2 weeks is a bit much isn't it? Or maybe just my vassals are braindead...
    Also is Queen Arwen related to King Harlaus II? She keeps holding feasts distracting the vassals, while Zann/Tolranian armies just take all her castles like it's not a big deal.

    Oh and the Geldarin armies are not a part of their faction, unlike the Valahir, allowing player to roam their lands freely when at war with Geldar. They don't help their lords either.
    Any plans to extend Geldar troop tree? It would be cool to see guerilla/assasin type units considering they are minority elves.

    And a minor problem with the Kingslayer quest, Sekkr doesn't spawn outside the castle at first, had to go back into it and then out again for him to appear.
  3. Akumazoku

    Discussion + Suggestions

    Hello there, I was wondering, if there could be a possibility to make something similar to Demon Worshippers faction in the future (invading (summoned), having diffrent troops, maybe triggered by a quest/unique start of the player, or it could be a culture choice.).
    I love playing as a bad guy  :twisted:, and Demon Faction have a lot of potential to be a great faction for people like me. I understand that would require a ton of work, so it is just a suggestion. If ever needed I could try to write some lore for the faction, even try to design troops (stats, equipment choice, names, some of the looks) or a questline for them, but unfortunately, I'm terrible with both coding, and modeling, so I won't be able to contribute more then putting my sick and twisted imagination to work.
  4. Akumazoku

    Perisno Version 0.81 - The Main Thread (HF0.811 - March 11, 2017, 10:37:18 AM)

    This update rekindled my love for this mod :grin: I was annoyed by some things in earlier version, and this version patched them. Thanks for an amazing New Year Present, keep up the good work.
  5. Akumazoku

    SP Medieval Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A World of Ice and Fire (v8.1 released 7/3/22)

    Amazing mod, I hope you will keep developing it. I decided to write about few bugs I realised and a few questions.
    1st one: The merchant caravan is hostile and runs away from me, but still have the follow me or stay here conversaton options, making it super hard to escort it, kind of like cattle in Native.
    2nd Podrick Payne have a quote [No second moral code] when you fail  a quest (A tournament in hostile town)
    3rd Im not sure if that's a bug but my troops don't block at all, the enemy does.
    4th Pyke catapult. During the siedge of Pyke, some troops (mostly Kraken Guards) gets flinged over the walls killing them or placing behind the attacker force.
    Now to the questions:
    1st What is Daenerys pourpose? She shows up in character notes, but she doesn't have description.
    2nd Have you got any plans to extend the storyline? It's amazing you implemented it in Viking Conquest style, and it is a feature that I really love and only few modders try.
    3rd Can you make female lords marriable? As a roleplayer I would like to be able to marry certain ladies that are impossible to marry right now (Asha for example).
    Overall thank you for all the hard work.
    Also amazing work with optimalization, my toaster (can't even call it a computer tbh) runs smoothly even in big battles so I can keep 500 units limit unlike the VC where I had to leave it at 300.

    (Sorry if I made some mistakes, Im not a native english speaker)
  6. Akumazoku

    SP Fantasy Warsword Conquest - New Opening Post

    Okay, so far this mod has been great, really good models, troop skills are cool and overall amazing mod. Really love Warhammer universe and game  like M&B is perfect for it. BUT I have some problems. Several might be from my own lack of knowledge so I ask for intel if you know something more.

    1st. Troop trees. My problem with this one is being unable to recruit some cool units, like Ratling gunners, Vampires or Nehekhara Warriors (couldn't find any outside of recruiting prisoners), making them recruitable, maybe in cities for a high cost would be amazing. Also shrines for Daemons, in one game I got so unlucky that I couldn't find any in taverns for 100 days and as a role playing guy would highly appriciate it.

    2nd Well, its a problem with some troops, for example Poison Wind Globadiers don't want to  throw ther globes at all, even when I gave them command to use ranged, they just run with their blades. Also setting off Eshin blade thrusting attack, i saw my assasins use it a lot and it didn't even stagger the enemy. Plus an idea for a perk for Assasins and Grim Reapers, something like deadly/critical strike that would give a small chance (~`3-5%) to instakill an enemy, but that would require a lot of balancing so its just an idea.

    3rd Kislev. This entire faction is my problem, as a Chaos/Skaven/Sylvania player I struggle with them a lot, and they always steamroll Chaos in like first 80-100 days that they take Askreved and Stormstaad, and capture half of chaos lords, while the rest is running in like 50 men armies.

    Plus some more diversity in some troop trees would be good, but I know how hard it is to make all the models and add the units so its just a minor complain. But anyway, huge thanks for this amazing mod, keep up the good work.
  7. Akumazoku

    Byrding, Refugee and Massive Suicide

    1.Well, today I was playing storyline, at latest version of VC and Warband then this bug happend:  My Oak captured Byrding "Kristasud" turned into this: It happend...
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