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  • Users: Valon
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  1. The Gulag: Bug Reports

    The crossbow crash bug happens with any crossbow. It is easier to recreate with the training field thing, doing crossbow training.
  2. Troop Paths with Elite, Regular and Tank Units Suggestion

    Then it would be good if they had a type of sidearm, with commands belonging to that, so you can tell them "use anti armor weapons" or "use anti personel weapons"!
  3. The Gulag: Bug Reports

    I must say that it do not surprise me that someone have problems with that part of the mod, though he should try around all the places to see if they all crash his game.

    I have found personally that it is a performance issue that causes his game to choke so hard it dies, I myself got 3,5 GHz of processor power and 8 GB of ram, and it takes several seconds to load some town scenes, specially praven and other large areas. I believe that optimization will do the trick.

    Just my two cents, there is nothing really wrong other than his game dying because of an overload I believe.
  4. Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

    That is a great suggestion, though not quite what I would prefer :smile:

    I will see what I can come up with myself though, maybe there is a way I can use button press triggers to follow the player commands (behind the scenes simulate the command panel thing) with a check on the selected group and the group they belong to... Not sure, though it might work if the required things are available, or just do some python if possible.
  5. Council Chambers: Ideas & Suggestions

    For one who downloaded just today, I would like more than anything:
    1. a note on the pistols and whatnot on how many bullets they can load at a given time (for example "example pistol (:cool:")
    2. the bullets could have a note on what type of weapon they are for, at least for the ones that are not obvious, such as warfare bullets (for example "example bullets (pistol)")

    I will play some more, maybe some more things will pop up. Great work so far! :smile:

    3. being able to see the current ammo in your weapon
    4. Being able to reload even though your gun is not empty
  6. Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

    So I have troops with firearms, as in technical firearms with the firearm flag and not crossbow.

    So, heres the deal:
    When the troops are on the battlefield, they are not actually realising they are carrying a long range weapon, and they do not respond properly to "hold your fire" and "fire at will" commands. In short, they think they are holding a melee weapon, until the enemy is close.
    They are using the gun properly, but they do not know that it actually is a gun!

    So here is what I would like to know:
    How can I make the troops behave with a firearm like they are behaving with a bow or crossbow?

    Thank you in advance
  7. OSP Code SP tf_guarantee_polearm

    Somebody said:
    You need to import it from the modified header_troops procedure.

    I am a new comer to modding, and I do not understand what you mean, unfortunately.
    I do not know what you mean with the modified header_troops procedure, as header_troops have not been changed at all, only process_troops, right? (unless I am missing something)

    in the top of my module_scripts file I have
    from process_troops import save_troops

    I can not think of anything else I have to import.

    I looked through previous posts, and trying the way it was done before seems to be getting me closer to my goal.
    The only problem is that it will not let a function be used as a script argument.

    Error in script:
    (1init_troop_polearms', <function save_troops at 0x02F18370>)

    I have no idea what this error means other than it do not work, and the offset is plain out simply confusing me, there is another error, though:

      File "", line 40, in <module>
      File "", line 21, in save_scripts
        file.write("%s %f\n"%(convert_to_identifier(func[0], func[1]))
    TypeError: float argument required, not function

    This leads me to believe that instead of actually using the returned list from the function, it throws the function itself directly into the save_scripts system, which of course will not work. (would be very useful if the game engine had a built-in python interpreter!)

    So until then, I will try and find a way to return a list that the script can use, maybe make a seperate function for this entirely (would also prevert multiple writes)

    Thank you for your reply and your time.

    It just compiled without error, I will now test and see if it works.

    def polearm_list():
    troop_polearm = []
    troop_id = 0
    for troop in troops:
    troop_flags = troop[3]
    if troop_flags & tf_hero != tf_hero and troop_flags & tf_unmoveable_in_party_window == tf_unmoveable_in_party_window:
    troop[3] ^= tf_unmoveable_in_party_window
    troop_flags = 0
    inventory_list = troop[7]
    for inventory_item in inventory_list:
    item_id = inventory_item
    if troop_flags == 0 and items[item_id][3] & 0x000000ff == itp_type_polearm:
    troop_polearm.append((troop_set_slot, troop_id, slot_troop_polearm, item_id))
    # print troop[2] + " is using " + items[item_id][1]
    troop_flags = 1

    troop_id += 1
    return troop_polearm

    I have tested it, and to my knowledge it works. Of course when I am new to modding, I have no idea if I have proberly tested it. if someone could tell me wether or not it works would be wonderful and appreciated.
  8. OSP Code SP tf_guarantee_polearm

    Sorry if I am a bother, but I have a problem compiling the with your changes, and I can not see why.

    Adding the save_troops()+ to the code in makes another part of the file not work:

    [...]\", line 898, in <module>
    TypeError: unsupported operand types(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'List'

    The thing that breaks is the thing that runs in the end of the script (try_end)

    thank you in advance for any help provided
  9. Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

    Hi, I have started on M&B:WB modding a few days ago, and there is already something that I really want an answer on to be able to understand what to do.

    I understand the basics, which is presented very nicely in "The Ultimate Introduction to Modding" by Lumos, just to let you know this much, so you are not mislead by my question.

    I understand how the different values from the python files are converted into the text files that one can find in the module folder you compile into with the Modsys, and examining the results of different changes is also not a difficulty for me.

    Now, here  comes the part where I try to explain, what I really want to know:

    1. You have for an example a flag "tf_guarantee_ranged"
    2. The flag is turned into a number value
    3. The game engine can translate this into a meaningful functionality

    (I am not asking for the "tf_guarantee_polearm" tutorial, just FYI.)

    Now, I would like to know HOW the engine makes sense of these numbers, as this can become very useful information later, as it might be useful for adding functionalities to your module and actually understand the very essence of what you just did.

    I imagine some kind of interpretation of the values, when the game loads it up, otherwise I can not see how a new flag is declarable.

    Thank you in advance for any help or thought provided around the subject.

    Captain Lannigan said:
    1. Can you tell me the best stats for an elephant to be as realistic as possible (speed, charge, body armor, etc.)
    2. Can I make the elephant bigger?

    I can not tell you which stats would be good for an elephant, specially since I do not know what to compare it to.
    I can tell you about the size though:
    open it up in a 3D modelling program and resize the model, and make sure it still have the right offsets and whatnot of the technical things and reinsert the model in your mod. (remember to save a backup of the elephant model)
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