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  1. TLD preview

    Adorno said:

    EDIT: Okay, I have regained the use of my tongue. You've done some amazing work.
    I've really missed those wargs, with their incredible agility. Thanks for the preview  :smile:

    OMG Is iT you ADORNO aint you that guy how makes friggin hilarious vids(ON YOUTUBE) they own Seriously give me your autograph????
  2. Best weapon against armors

    DrZaius said:
    NordMann 2 said:
    ronin44 said:
    How i can drop any weapon? Is it possible?

    But you _Can_ replace a slot with a weapon you find in the ground. I find myself doing this often in sieges when the top of the ladder gets stuck- I pick up a dead guys crossbow and try and help my guys out... It puts your other weapon on the ground, and I think that you get your original weapon back after the battle (but don't quote me on that  :razz:)


    Well to be honest that PickUpADeadGuysWeapon tactic sound like a great idea
  3. Best weapon against armors

    SanDiego said:
    Good one :grin:
    I once shot a horse (carrying a guy), which got in my way while aiming at Ragnar. Guess that knight saved his life. Too bad he got killed by him afterwards :grin:

    But seriously that knight sacrificed himself for nothing

    What a shame  :smile:
  4. Till alla svenskhatare!

    pesja said:

    NordMann 2 said:
    pesja said:
    Hysj med deg! Svensker må be om tillatelse før de skriver noe, av sted nå! Gå å sett deg i skammekroken!
    Er du norsk eller svensk pokker?


    lolz  :wink:
  5. Till alla svenskhatare!

    pesja said:
    Hysj med deg! Svensker må be om tillatelse før de skriver noe, av sted nå! Gå å sett deg i skammekroken!

    ok jag ska sätta mej i skamvrån  :cry:

    får jag gå nu?  :sad:
  6. Which faction in M&B are the Arabians?

    Boyyini said:
    sure the Khergits have some Arab-looking buildings.  But that is more Middle Eastern in general.

    Yea though the khregits are like the arabians almost!  :???: :???:
  7. Two years later, Mount and Blade is still brilliant.

    Mabons said:
    IpodRetard said:
    Folthrik said:
    In my opnion it's a revolutionary game. You can't find a game quite like M&B.

    Yea i was thinking first of buying Oblivion but i changed my mind when i saw this amazing game
    i always wanted a game based on medival always..........
    Other way round, except I stuck with M&B :grin:

    AGREED!! :grin:
  8. [WB][M]Festung Breslau (WW2 Mod) open MP beta. Old Topic.

    Mat Berserker said:
    When it is done. Especialy when i add flying script by Ibanez.
    BTW Kapusta im polish and i think you to so:
    Pierwsza beta jest dostępna na polskim forum o M&B nawet na największej Polskiej stronie o M&B dorobiła się mini recenzji. Poszukaj ale jak dasz tutaj linka to cię znajde i powiesze za oczy lub inną część ciała. To by było na tyle.

    Hmmm it looks great to be honest great job buddy! :shock:
  9. Till alla svenskhatare!

    pesja said:
    Varfor? Fölar du dig mobbat för at någon fjortisar ifrån andre sidan av jorden "hatar" svenskar? Why?

    du har rätt pejsa skit i dom där jävla ****arna Tack  :grin:
  10. 268 B.C. Honorable mention

    You deserved it well!  :smile:
  11. Which faction in M&B are the Arabians?

    Ranger_of_Gorlan said:
    IpodRetard said:
    There are many i think=
    You oly listed one, yet you said there were "many"
    IpodRetard said:
    :!:Crusader Mod
    :!:No more in my knowledge but i know that there are many more i guess  :razz:
    What? does that sentence make sense to anyone?

    Ok here you got a whole list of Arabic influenced mod i just needet to search my imaginarie search engine(Google) XP
    Na just kidding i was testing a lot of mods and here you got them=

    Sword of Damocles(Has a lot of Arabian weapons)
    Lords and Realms(Has a lot of Arabian armors)
    Crusader mod(You heard the name its based on Crusaders and Muslims)
    The Holy War(An older version of the mod above)
    300 Mod(Persians)
    A lot of Old mods really had arabic armors and weapons
    but i forgot their names! And do not forget about Nizar  :lol:

    so you got a list and with the meaning of many I do think these are pretty many so SHULULULU  :cool:
  12. Till alla svenskhatare!

    pesja said:
    Retard (Ipod aooarantly) du må forstå at de fleste bare kødder med deg. Det er et veldig lavt nivå på seriøsitet her.

    jag vet att det är låg nivå på seriöshet i denna forum och jag fattar att visa skojar men vissa menar det verkligen!!
    :oops: It sucks!
  13. What was SO bad about Hitler?

    Vulkan said:
    This is kind of in the wrong sub-forum.

    Yea your right this forum was created to talk about M&B not this ****!!!
  14. Two years later, Mount and Blade is still brilliant.

    Folthrik said:
    In my opnion it's a revolutionary game. You can't find a game quite like M&B.

    Yea i was thinking first of buying Oblivion but i changed my mind when i saw this amazing game
    i always wanted a game based on medival always..........
  15. Best weapon against armors

    SanDiego said:
    Damn horses :grin: They're only emergency food supply :grin: There's nothing better than to grab your great axe and start pwning anything which gets too close  :twisted:

    omg I hate horses i headshoted my horse with a bow! GRRRRRRRRRRRR  :twisted: voff
  16. Wich faction do you hate most?(poll)

    Chabel said:
    IpodRetard said:

    Fixed. :razz:

    lolz :razz:
  17. Till alla svenskhatare!

    Seriöst kom igen om man tänker efter skit många i denna forum hatar dom som inte är Americaner.
    JAG menar det jag sa till en kille att jag va Svensk och han fick ****ing damp  :cry:
  18. Wich faction do you hate most?(poll)

    hyperion said:
    50-80% of this forum will hate Khergits.

  19. Which faction in M&B are the Arabians?

    Ranger_of_Gorlan said:
    IpodRetard said:
    There are many i think=
    You oly listed one, yet you said there were "many"
    IpodRetard said:
    :!:Crusader Mod
    :!:No more in my knowledge but i know that there are many more i guess  :razz:
    What? does that sentence make sense to anyone?

    HAAHAHAHA dude im swedish!! And im a noob in english ok!!!!!!
  20. Which faction in M&B are the Arabians?

    Swadius said:
    IpodRetard said:
    :???: Yea what faction in MB are the arabians is it the Khregits?
    and who the hell is the Rhodoks?????? Well we all know that the
    Nords are like the vikings(i think  :oops:)

    Why don't you use your eyes and comprehension, as well as read around a little more and form your own opinion?

    yea Your pretty much right!  :oops:
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