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    Okay  now i playes a while and here are my suggestions^^

    I hate Indians..why?  They are...French

    I want Horse Riding bow fighting Indians ^^  Not  Footsoldiers with guns with less clothes ^^
    By the way  a firearm was very expensive for an Indian

    God my Grammar is crap

    Okay  what else

    Which Diplomacity version u use?
    Please  update it ^^

    what else

    I dont like weapons :sad:  The Rifle needs 10 Hours  to reload  und aiming is  crap.
    But..otherwise its not 18xx so maybe the weapons ouhem were so bad at this time? dont know, wasnt there ^^

  2. Updating Diplomacy Part in a Mod

    So i have a question  If an Mod has  integrated Diplomacy Mod  as Shogun or 1755 is it possible to update the files with simply  copy and paste?^^
  3. Flags for the Armies

    Edited, I hope its better ^^

    Edit:  Googel translation ^^ :

    On the front of the Lance of cloth hanging in the full ride wave and carry the color of the respective armed forces. It would also be cool if there was a flag holder. A man in one hand and a large flag in front of them carries and leads in the other a sword. He is not the strongest but he can defend himself while he accept my proud flag of the enemy is. I imagine I look cool in front of my army (battelsizer is on 400) to Sun, set up, the flags fly proudly in the wind while you walk on the flags my fallen foes
  4. Flags for the Armies

    The Flags of an Army..will be only schow on clothes and Schields. Ich will see more Flags ^^ so Like this. In Front of the Lance are öhh  scrap of cloth  ??  In the Colors of the Army  Or.. Troops who has a.. omg A Flag. A Banner  Banner is good ^^ A Banner  from the Army on a...
  5. Arena Overhaul

    I would love  it ^^  If  you can  öhhem Build in? This  Minimod,100061.0.html The new Arenas are  very nice  and in one of the Posts  Adorno says : Quote from: Lord Serius on March 08, 2010, 10:00:46 PM     hmm.. nice. When this is done I was...
  6. German Translation


    Maybe  I could öhem offering(?) some Time when the Game is in Beta Stadium with  the new  Map
    Maybe someone wants to help me ^^
    I Mean the Most English is clear to me but there are  also many things which i dont understand^^
  7. German Translation

    I have seen that in the Languages Folder a German öhem öhem..Folder is XD ( Oh my english is soo bad) The Question is.. if i start the Game in  German Mode  will the translation be aktivaded  öh..  automatickly?
  8. Akzeptanz als Herrscher

    ja...damit erhöht man das Herrschaftsrecht..das ich scheinbar bereits auf Maximum habe...
  9. Akzeptanz als Herrscher

    Wenn ich alles erobere is doch niemand mehr über ^^

    Wäre das nich wenig sinnvoll?

    Auf meine Botschaftern zu den anderen Königen Hin..Von König zu König meine Gunst erweisen...  keiner  akzeptiert mich ^^  das  geht ja nimma wenn alle anderen  Reiche ausgelöscht sind
  10. Akzeptanz als Herrscher

    Ich gebs langsam auf ^^ Als Briganten Loard leibte ich mit Stück für Stück das Königreich der Nords ein, 4 Fürsten bestehen aus Gefährten, insgesamt besitze ich 14 Fürsten Zudem ein paar Burgen der  Swadians ^^ Jedenfalls beträgt mein recht auf Regierung 99  und steigt  scheinbar nimma. Mein...
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