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  1. Scyrius

    Are the forums dead?

    I am returning after a long gap in forum activity excited for the full release. I was last around closer to the start of EA. Where did everyone go lol. I feel like some of the forums that are normally extremely active havent seen any posts or comments in months. Have the forums died out?
  2. Scyrius

    Is Siege dead?

    I also gave up for now, will come back later once the game is fixed.
  3. Scyrius

    Is Siege dead?

    Yeah so even if you get into game it crashes within 5-10 minutes. Then when logging back in I get an error stating "Your previous session could not be destroyed." So yeah MP is dead till they patch that lol
  4. Scyrius

    In Progress "Could Not destroy your old session" Multi Player Login Fail...

    Update on this quite a while later. My game crashed during a Siege game and now I cannot log into multiplayer getting the error "Login Failed, Cannot Destroy Old Session"
  5. Scyrius

    Is Siege dead?

    Right? I was queued for about 30 minutes so I am pretty sure I didnt miss the active game roll through. I 100% agree though that siege needs to be in custom games asap.

    So at 13:30 PST on a Friday afternoon. There are a total of 100 people searching for non custom games in total with only 50 searching for siege. Maybe it is just the NA players and the EU servers are more popular?
  6. Scyrius

    Is Siege dead?

    Looking at trying to find NA games both today and yesterday, multiple times throughout the day. Both times we had 30 people searching for Siege, any ideas? For me Siege is a staple of Bannerlord so pretty bummed seeing such low player volume.
  7. Scyrius

    05/04/20 Hotfix

    Honestly glad I bought EA, seems like the patches are coming super frequently and I am liking the more frequent updates. Great work!
  8. Scyrius

    Early Access Information

    Love the news, not super concerned about the uncertainty around the included or excluded features. I know I will play the game to death either way. It will be interesting to see how the game develops from here. That is the part I am most excited to see.
  9. Scyrius

    New early access info from steam

    What is 'new' about this information tho.

    Not sure if everyone had access to review the steam page. Just thought I would share and encourage discussion, hadn't seen anyone post about this since they updated.

    I am in the camp of just having to wait and see although spending $50 on a game where we are not 100% sure of included features or what base game features will be missing is a bit tough. I am excited to see what the modding community does with EA.
  10. Scyrius

    New early access info from steam

    I had previously posted a thread about the key features that will be missing from EA. Below is the updated list with more details from the Steam page. I would love to hear some of your guy's thoughts on this! I am especially interested to see what key portions of siege, clan, army and sieges...
  11. Scyrius

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Early Access Announcement

    I am sure that tagging Callum does not guarantee he will reply although the good news is that most of these questions will be answered on 3/31. Tempted to put in some time off myself, regardless the state of the game lol
  12. Scyrius

    Content Missing from Full Release

    My friends and I were discussing this more and with all the modders ready to jump in I am sure that making your own kingdom will be available either in the game or mods soon enough lol
  13. Scyrius

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Early Access Announcement

    It has been a long wait but this is great news! @Callum do you know if there are plans to release a more detailed feature list for the EA addition single player. I know some features are going to be left for future patches but just curious about what is available at launch. Thanks!
  14. Scyrius

    Content Missing from Full Release

    I wouldn't be too worried about end game features not being there from day one - Save games have already been confirmed as fragile for EA - I assume there will be some version of the import/export function to allow us to at least save some form of progress across patches.

    I hadn't seen the info about the save games being not compatible between the different early access versions of the games, but it makes sense if they are implementing major changes between versions. I wouldn't say kingdom creation and management is end game though, for instance in my play throughs that is a starting point lol
  15. Scyrius

    Content Missing from Full Release

    Looking for some more specific information about the quote on Steam here: "The early access version will be reusing scenes for different towns, may lack some supporting features, may have a limited number of quests, voice-overs, etc. and may lack localizations for some languages. Throughout...
  16. Scyrius

    (temp) Dev Blog 14/02/20

    This was some really good content! Got me excited again for the release!
  17. Scyrius

    Dev Blog 05/12/19

    Sincere question, not attempting to be sarcastic. Is this one of the Kingdom Management features that will not be available at launch?
  18. Scyrius

    [SP - Poll] Leaving Scenes

    KEYforce said:
    Pressing "tab" key just once may cause you to accidentally leave the scene, which some scenes takes long time to go one place to another (even if not in the native it will be in some mods)

    Double tab or pushing 1 sec could be good actually (shorter than now), might help to play faster for people who takes lot of quests etc.

    I also agree, nothing is worse than playing on a laptop, finding the guild master and than accidentally tabbing out. Also with bandits/combat it scenes (if that feature is still included) you wouldn't want to accidentally hit tab during the fight.
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