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  1. Resolved Taking a lord prisoner in "siege battle" causes crash

    Yes, I'm still having unfortunately.
    And, no mods.

    First of all, i gave up siegeing the castle after a few tries, but when my vassals sieged the castle, same crash happened a few times, so i made peace with them and continued my gameplay. my kingdom took a few castles from another kingdom while im having no crashes and after 1-2 hours of gameplay, game crashed again. when i looked at my vassals none of them seemed like sieging something. other kingdoms cause that too probably i dont know.
    I'm having crashes in this save after running like 2 seconds every time.

  2. i deal 12 dmg and get 150 damage

    thanks for your replies, and i have one more thing to ask. i see some good players that screw me up sometimes look downwards when fighting, is there a trick like that or am i just making it up
  3. i deal 12 dmg and get 150 damage

    im noob i dont think i can get 3 assists and 5 kills .d i think this game is not for me
  4. i deal 12 dmg and get 150 damage

    to get heavy units i should get 3-4 kills and i cant
  5. i deal 12 dmg and get 150 damage

    i couldn't get the point in multiplayer combat. why do i deal a maximum of 30-35 damage and enemy one shots me? i saw someone dealt 55 damage to me from leg, how is this even possible. am i missing a point? no im not talking about striking in close with a long weapon, thats not the case, sword...
  6. How to successfully defend a settlement post capturing

    Ah ok, I didn't know others donate as well.
    They usually donate like 2 troops
  7. Escaping lords are breaking the game!

    "Escaping lords" is a quick fix to the "Steamrolling kingdoms". It was introduces so that you can actually play campaign without game over before you even manage to get your own castle or establish your own realm.

    Until devs find way to balance campaign some other way, escaping lords will stay.
    But they get captured by bandits
  8. Escaping lords are breaking the game!

    Why do you want them as prisoners in your keep?
    There is no reason to do that ever.

    Always releasing is the best option. More charm skill, more combat skills, more loot, more prisoners.
    Because it's an rpg game, not the-fastest-to-conquer-the-world wins type of game
  9. Constant Crashing on my current save

    My game was crashing like that and i reproduced it a bit and realised game was crashing after a city is captured with a defending lord in it. It crashed both when i or my vassals sieged it. Yours can be similar

    (When "I" siege it, game was crashing when im supposed to talk to the prisoner lord)
  10. In Progress Crashing after a siege

    does it crasha after you loot the prisoners and items?
  11. Resolved Taking a lord prisoner in "siege battle" causes crash

    I've reproduced it like 8 times, city doesn't matter. If there is a lord in the castle defending, when you are supposed to talk to him after the battle, that screen(which the lord begs for mercy) doesn't come and game stops for like 15 seconds and then crashes.
  12. Need More Info Game crashes after a specific city is taken

    Summary: Game crashed after I or one of my vassals siege and take the Jamalrys (Currently the last city of Southern empire but i dont think it's about being last city because the game crashed before the city was the last settlement, there were a few castles when the first crash occured) I sieged...
  13. How do i destroy a Kingdom?

    I don't know that it is 100% possible in bannerlord at this time, or at least it isn't feasible. Maybe executing every clan member of those clans which refuse to leave a faction.
    doesn't work, i killed every fin member of southern empire but they are somehow (but the ones i have killed looks really dead.) still alive and they recently declared war on me.
  14. Can't finish a specific siege?!

    it's very strange. I gave up siegeing it but when my ally finishes the siege of Jalmarys, game crashes again.
  15. Can't finish a specific siege?!

    I've tried siegeing Jalmarys or whetever three times. First i finished the sieged then loot the prisoners and units and on the next window when looting the ITEMS game crashed when i press done. I've tried not looting anything and pressing esc and again, when i press that lil'green button the...
  16. How to actually defend your castle during the siege?

    Yeah, i've stopped playing the save that I formed my kingdom and got a few cities.
  17. Can I rule one of the existing factions?

    I need to do it consciously even if it's possible. Like going and killing your king and replacing him.
  18. How to actually defend your castle during the siege?

    siege is a mess, they dont even follow your orders and this makes late game unplayable
  19. 2h units are useless unless archers get nerfed

    The issue being, if they nerf archers to the point that they can barely kill 2h soldiers, they're going to be absolutely useless against soldiers with shields.

    What they need to do is allow us to put units in custom selection groups like we could in WB. That way you can effectively keep the 2H's behind the shields and not just a single infantry bunch that it is now.
    that's it
  20. Can I rule one of the existing factions?

    I want to start a campaign as Ragnar and become king of Sturgia, not destroy them. Can I do this?
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