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  1. [BUGS] - A place to report bugs to prevent duplicate posts

    Bug Description: Accepted quest, then left to gather more troops, came back and spoke to the NPC again (said they'd be here shortly). I waited at the village (using "wait here for some time") but the deserters never showed up and the quest failed (timed out) when the time limit expired.
    Quest Name: Deserter Extortion and Sangolina
    NPC Name: Voleos of Sangolina
    Save Playtime(How long you've played that save/What day you're on):
    Day 10
  2. having problems connecting with my bro online.

    if you're trying to do it across the Internet then you might have to open up some of your ports in your router settings (Warband uses port 7240 to 7245).
  3. Amazing rant

    I aspire to be this man!
  4. To all those who also play Oblivion/Morrowind

    The over world map could be like the fast travel system so players have the choice between riding from man perspective or hitting a button and changing to the over world view. The mini map could show the over world view whilst you traveled person style....
    That would be awesome... I will now be slightly disappointed every time I play warband. I blame you guys for this.

    A persistent battle map set in general would be great. They could be procedurally generated, saved and then shipped with the game. Then in the over world view your position determines which battle map you load in on and which end you spawn at. That way you could choose which ground you fight on in some case. Not that, that kind of tactical advantage is needed at the moment, but I'm dreaming of the day we get a really advanced AI...

    So on topic:
    The depth of world and depth of quests from Morrowind. Finding random pieces of a side quest whilst exploring then later piecing it together was my favourite thing from that game.
  5. Can Lancers be Chamber Blocked?

    Seawied86 said:
    If you made a video of that, I would worship you as a golden god

    Me too

    The damned AI chamber block's my couches all the damn time in the tourneys.
  6. Final version improvement checklist.

    fechtbuchs <-------- modern man's guide to medieval man's combat
  7. [IG] Guard of Istiniar - A clan for Mount&Blade Warband {Closed}

    It rained for 5 out of 8 days, not great when water makes your sport a lot harder :lol:
    I still really enjoted it though. How is the release version of warband?
  8. [IG] Guard of Istiniar - A clan for Mount&Blade Warband {Closed}

    This clan member just got back from france :grin:
    No warband for me untile late april though :sad:
  9. [BUG] Missing textures M&B:W v0.850

    System specs: AMD Athalon 64 X2 dual core 6000+ 2GB RAM GeForce 7950 GX2 Windows XP This is only a problem with Direct X 9
  10. [Suggestion] Improve tutorial

    I agree with the OP. All that is needed is a couple of obvious visual cues for the Archery trainer and area where the targets spawn.

    For ranged tutorial: Start with throwing weapons; this will make the player less likely to look to the archers. Secondly have the targets spawn in when the player is told to pick up the weapon not after the weapon is picked up (maybe replace the current targets with the standard archery target since the image will be familiar to a lot of people). That way they will already have spotted the targets before looking down to pick up the weapon.

    Archery Trainer: He needs something to mark him out as archery related. Maybe make him carry a bow and quiver? Also put him next to the table where the weapon spawns in.
    *EDIT* Move the table to the archery trainer, have the targets behind him.

    Might be worth making the horse trainer easier to spot too. Start him mounted or slightly further forward with the horse next to (or behind) him.
  11. [IG] Guard of Istiniar - A clan for Mount&Blade Warband {Closed}

    It was a cold, moonless night, Edwiigo had been stumbling for hours, lost in the wastelands of Calradia.
    He had been battling hard for days, waves and waves of enemies. It seemed they would never end, their number insurmountable, but suddenly the tide had broken. Edwiigo was left tired and hungry in a strange land, the howls of beasts echoed through the night.

    A bright light cut through the darkness. It was a glow of pure wonder, dispelling grief and worry, instilling joy in the most battered of hearts. As the light drew closer, Edwiigo could make out a procession of men, at their head a man of divine splendor. It was from that man that the light emanated. His blazing halo filling the night with the light of the righteous.

    This magnificent apparition looked down on Edwiigo and lo! he spoke,
    "Edwiigo my son, why do you crawl on your belly like a worm? Your place is with me, bearing a shield of mighty adamantium which will protect you from all physical attacks originating in your front arc. Arrows will be so strongly attracted to it that you need only hold it out in front of you to protect your head and feet. We are the Guard of Istiniar and I am SCGavin. Welcome Edwiigo, we have searched for you for some time."

    With that Edwiigo was raised up, he would fight with honor, for the greater cause of SCGavin. Never again would he have to grovel to those smug river pirates. Not with The Guard at his back. Now if only he could get a little more power...
  12. [BUG] Custom Battles: noone spawning at low sizes

    Custom battle: Reducing battle size to low numbers (1 or 2) and having an impossible percentage composition (eg: 33% inf,33% cav, 33% archer) of troops causes no troops to spawn
  13. Duel Video, with Chamber blocks, yey

    That last duel underwater was my favourite. The string of 3 or 4 chamber blocks was beautiful.
  14. [Suggestion] Gametype - "Assault". Variant inside.

    I like this assault idea! I think it opens up the siege format a lot, giving another aspect to the tactics (sneaking round the back and recapturing objectives from the enemy, forcing them to spawn further away etc.)
  15. [Suggestion] Attacking should not be possible when jumping

    Vaulting would be a nice addition. I don't see why jumping should go though
  16. Co-Op Warband

    I'm up for it!
  17. [Suggestion] Range of Ranged Weapons (Bows and Xbows)

    @ PsykoOps
    and completely off topic

    I'd never considered the effect climate would have on the wood before, I'm used to pine grown in a more temperate climate. It grows much faster and lives no where near as long. I'd be interested to know how well pine from one of the Nordic country works for making bows.

    On topic:
    I realise it's probably too late (or maybe this how it's already done?) for this but couldn't the bows and arrows be modeled using simplified ballistics calculations?
    Arrow flight being based on Newtonian physics with a simplified or approximated equation for drag/air resistance.
    Speed characteristics could be modeled on acceleration from the bow (Bow draw 'weight', acceleration distance[string at drawn position to string at rest position], maximum bow acceleration and weight of arrow being factors).

    In this method, drop speed would be simply: Velocityy axis= Gravity * Time ---> Vy=9.81ms^-2 * t


    arrow Velocityx axis = ((Forcebow/massprojectile) * draw length) - (drag force/massprojectile)
    ---> Vx=((Fb/mp)*lb) - (Fd/mp)

    Assuming air density and surface area are negligible and drag coefficient (Cd) is simply modeled on shape of projectile (Reynolds number essentially remaining constant over the velocity variation and the projectile not reaching high enough speeds for the Mach number to have an effect) we can model drag force as Fd = 0.5Vx^2 * Cd

    This is an iterative equation, but if we ignore drag force over the primary acceleration area due to the bow we can use the Vx value in the next drag force calculation so essentially
    Vx1 = ((F/m)*l),
    Fd1 = 0.5Vx1^2 * Cd
    Vx2 = ((F/m)*l)-(Fd1/m) etc.

    thus giving a good approximation and reducing the number of calculations required.
    Damage would be calculated on (massprojectile * speedprojectile)/surface area, speed being a combination of the x and y axis velocities.

    *edit* aww beaten too it, well above is the rest of the equations the guy before me didn't type
  18. [Feedback / Suggestion] Chamberblocking.

    I agree! Though the stab-chamber animation for great swords and the like does make some sense for blocking overhead swings
  19. [Suggestion]New system of aiming for bows & xbows

    PsykoOps said:
    Yeah that wouldn't work very well. That would force archers to switch to 1st person mode for one and also the workaround by adding a sticker or something on your monitor is too easy.

    Then don't play on a server with reticles disabled. There seem to be enough people harping on about realism on these forums to at least make it an option. Even with out a server side option for the reticle I think a visual cue for bow accuracy would be useful for people who play without the reticle as standard.
  20. [Request with Poll] Routing in multiplayer

    Disclaimer: I don't support the routing idea, how ever I'm all in favour of the chicken suit.
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