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  1. Faroph

    Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.

    Hello, I'm currently looking for a regiment who need administrative work/helping out but not necessarily for me to take part in events/trainings etc. Basically, If a regiment needs help with organisation or administrative work without me particulacy being 'in' your regiment, then hit me up on steam: Faroph or if you struggle to find me, send me your steam ID in a pm on here.

    Many thanks,

  2. Faroph

    84e Régiment d'Infanterie de ligne [Recruiting]

    1861JohnnyReb1865 said:
    Hi, I did not know where to post an unban request to your server for siege on Napoleonic. Please tell me where.,224976.0.html
  3. Faroph

    MM Nostalgic LB

    Shortshorts said:
    Is this still happening? I really feel like it's time for one of these.
    Indeed, it is time Aztir! :twisted:
  4. Faroph

    ♦17th Regiment of Foot (Royal Leicestershire Regiment) ♦ Recruiting!

    Another enjoyable training and it was fun helping out the 4th Irish after!
  5. Faroph

    ♦17th Regiment of Foot (Royal Leicestershire Regiment) ♦ Recruiting!

    Jammy said:
    I am glad you enjoyed it  :grin:

    Yeah, I look forward to the next one!
  6. Faroph

    ♦17th Regiment of Foot (Royal Leicestershire Regiment) ♦ Recruiting!

    Very enjoyable first training and public playing. :wink:
  7. Faroph

    Paintings & Pictures of Regiments (Including Signatures)

    James Grant said:
    It's surprising how just a little change of wording can help,I first looked for 51st regiment,then 33rd regiment private then hit the jackpot at british infantry private 1812.

    Indeed, thanks again.
  8. Faroph

    Paintings & Pictures of Regiments (Including Signatures)

    James Grant said:
    Faroph said:
    Hello, I'm just wondering whether any one has an image of a British line infantry ranker which I could use for my avatar? My one currently is terrible and I'm wondering what the community has to offer.







    Googling sure is hard :wink:

    Haha, thanks a lot. I tried Google images but obviously I didn't look hard enough.
  9. Faroph

    Paintings & Pictures of Regiments (Including Signatures)

    Hello, I'm just wondering whether any one has an image of a British line infantry ranker which I could use for my avatar? My one currently is terrible and I'm wondering what the community has to offer.
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