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  1. raibownaru

    Say Cheese v2

    I fear it already looks better on you than it will ever look on me :party:
  2. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Angelsachsen said:
    You do look nice, Naru.

    Thank you :grin:

    semi-annual TW confidence boost filled. Blue ftw

    Also Sartek you lie. You have smolked. You're one of the friends who got me a shisha for my birthday. Only danced around it and filled the room with smoke every 2 months or so. Not too often, which is nice then the tobacco lasts longer and not much money goes to waste. Also used crystal tobacco things. Damn those  are like candy. Chemicals ftw!
    I used to smoke a lot when I was a young stupid wannabecool teen (which I still am just without the -teen), but it was mostly gang influence. When I fell out with teh group of people I stopped. Was never addicted to it, luckily..... Which is after what I  DID become addicted to lollipops and  Skittles, especially Skittles for almost 2 years. Taste the rainbow!!!!

    Don't smoke. Do Skittles. Good for diabetes.
  3. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Blue for skinny, right  :lol: :mrgreen:
  4. raibownaru

    kitten Working Online keys

    Gestricius said:
    RainbowNaru said:
    Funny is how his name is Albert Ainstain, named by the russian family who he was bought from.
    Not sure why, but I read that as "the Russian mobster family".  :lol:

    you never know :lol:
  5. raibownaru

    kitten Working Online keys

    Damn! Consider your avatar stolen now :grin: *saves*
  6. raibownaru

    kitten Working Online keys

    IA said:

    Hahaha, I want to be that dog!

    Talking about dogs, my mom got a dog and I just can't get enough of that dog!
    Funny is how his name is Albert Ainstain, named by the russian family who he was bough from. They apparently didn't know how to write Einstein xD
    So I shall bombard you with some fluffy


    He smelled the beer bottle and kept barking at it and landed butt first in my aunt's dog's water bowl, from which he later dug out all the water wich was hilarious

  7. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Thanks all! I think rainbow hair is the best thing that ever happened to me. Also helped me a bit with confidence when I moved to England.

    Vieira said:
    Indeed. It's really cool. Did you have it proper rainbow when I met up that time with you, Sartek, and your sister, or was it more of that light blue/grey colour? I can't remember.  :ohdear:

    It was bright rainbow because I had just dyed it :grin:
    You got to see it in all of its glory  :party:

    what colour should I do next after it fades  though...? Gray? Gray blue? Gray purple? Flaming orangered? Them English don't have the colours in England that are required to do the rainbow...
  8. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Since I know how much you all love me posting random pictures and proving I am still alive and how "blue makes you skinnier" is applied in real life (not really)
    Then I shall bombard you schweinhunden with more pictures. That are totally awesome. And I am actually not as confident as I sound writing this.
    (and cause Sartek said I should so he shall regret that)

    And cause I love Jhessail


    The awesome gay pictures are from scool cause I study to be a specialist hair and media makeup artist. So I do cool stuff. Soon to start the beginning of gore. Yass.

    And I like to live up to my rainbow name which costs me round 100 euros for bright colours. And 4 months to go unicorn.

    Coming up soon: Sartek begins his drag QUEEN road. Did you know it was actually a secret desire of his?
  9. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Feragorn said:
    Now all the Taleworldian neckbeards are going to stalk you on twitter.

    OPSEC, Naru. OPSEC.

  10. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Mamlaz said:
    Those diamonds on your forehead in the first image, you do not have them in the second image?

    What sorcery is this?

    The first picture is taken later. I was supposed to have them all along but frgot........ luckily I found someone who could provide me with new ones

    Vraelomon said:
    RainbowNaru said:
    RainbowKaro? Who's that? Is she pretty?

    No idea... never met em, check twitter maybe? Could find that person there. Dunno, I don't go on twitter
  11. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Mamlaz said:
    Hips wider than waist.
    Not fat confirmed.
    hid them under the belt  :party:
  12. raibownaru

    say cheese

  13. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Bigby said:
    RainbowNaru said:
    Blue makes you look less fat.

    Um... thanks, I guess?

    I don't really know how to react to this xD Since I don't really think I'm fat

  14. raibownaru

    say cheese

    jacobhinds said:
    I swear I've seen that exact room layout hundreds of times. Is that student accomodation?

    You got that right
    You should've seen my reaction when I first walked in there. I was horrified
  15. raibownaru

    say cheese

    So since Sartek said I should and also to make Jhess happy...
  16. raibownaru

    say cheese

  17. raibownaru

    say cheese

    I will probably be only drinking the first 2 days with the others on fresher's week, because I will be going to London in the second half of the Freshers  Week to go to Rune Fest and be  awesome in my cosplay  :mrgreen:

    Thanks for all the tips  tho!
    And haven't joined the mile high club.... does that even happen?

  18. raibownaru

    say cheese

    So, I just recently arrived to Birmingham and will move in to my dorm in a few days.....
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I took Sartek with me to send me off and to his very first flight trip EVER

  19. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Jhessail said:
    Great costumes and pictures!

    RainbowNaru said:
    You've mastered the art of sitting while showing off your thigh  :razz:

    The thigh was more of an accident, but sure, thanks :grin:
  20. raibownaru

    say cheese

    Danath said:
    Sartek said:

    Spikes on your shoulders, uh? Raise your arms!

    He could hardly lift his arms about 50 degrees. The shoulder stuff doesn't move and it doesn't let you move either.. You should've seen him walk! Now that was funny

    But you now.... Sartek and spikes...
    And horns...
    And pointy stuff..
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