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  1. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

    EOIN is a lad
  2. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

    JELJER how goes the NL groupfighting team?
  3. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

    I need my name on this page
  4. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

    I cant wait for the siege
  5. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

  6. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    I fixed it anyway Jack
  7. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    Sadly not here on friday so andy, no pressure mate
  8. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    Sorry about my activity lately, just not having the best of times
  9. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    Sure just add me on steam 1stVA/77y_Highlander and I will talk to you then
  10. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    Thinking about making an event on Mondays perhaps
  11. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

    So close I can almost feel it
  12. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    Sorry I couldn't make the LB last night. Will definitely try to make tonights
  13. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

  14. th3highland3r

    1st Battle of Manassas Campaign

    Name:1st Virginia
    approximate number in the linebattles:10-15
    Side (CSA or USA):CSA
    Did you understand the rules and will you stick to that?:I do sir
  15. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

  16. th3highland3r

    77y Pehotniy polk

    good lb today
  17. th3highland3r


    I think they are fine, the mod is balanced for the LB scenario so you only have 1 per reg in a LB
  18. th3highland3r

    1st Virginia Vol. Infantry

    You gone double posted mate
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