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  1. Antonis

    Upcoming games you nitpicky ****bags look forward to ***** about in the future.

    Wilhelm scream and Todd Howard. That's pretty much all one needs to know.
  2. Antonis

    What made you laugh today - Fifth Edition

    He's my very close neighbor, but I don't hate him. 🥰
  3. Antonis

    Dating Thread, v. II

    Ooof. Yeah, that hurts, especially if you allow yourself to daydream and such. Which is always dangerous, but it is common when deep feelings are concerned. 🥲
  4. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Ah, yes, about this. As the lore was "a county someplace in Ohio", I went with Iroquois. 😅
    Apache sound cool, so maybe I will have them as one faction. I'm seriously tempted by the Sioux, always liked them, but Cheyenne sound great, too. Maybe as a mini-faction.
    As for models, actually, from a brief look, I'm pretty sure I can cook something up. There are already a couple of things in 1866, I made some more for my sub-mod, so might be fitting.
  5. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Great to see that you are still working on this. Decent Wild West mods for Warband are not plentiful enough, so many are for old versions of Warband and have many things missing. You know that i write dialogue and background texts so if you need any help in that department i'm here.
    Hey, nice! If you want, you can send me a message on Discord, and if you can, there's some work with texts (menus) and dialogues even now. I've done a lot of them, up to a point, but it would be a nice boost, if you could do more.
  6. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Colorado looks perfect, indeed. Both season pictures, summer and winter, look almost exactly like the textures we have.
    So, the Centennial State it is, then. :razz:
    The good thing, there are only a couple of coding changes needed to make the "move". The bad thing is, I now have to search what Indian tribes Colorado had at the time, their looks and re-make them. Oh, well, it is a hobby, after all.
  7. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Hmmm, ok, point taken, and I accept that. I will list some (mostly to no negotiable :razz:) points, and you could help me transform the lore a bit, if you like.
    • The mod takes place in late 1865/early 1866. The Civil War has ended, but there's the CSA remnant faction around.
    • The map is amazing; it's excellent, and it is larger than the original, but just a hair smaller than Native Warband's (and this is important, as we need a lot of open space, later on, for stations, custom locations, ranches etc.); also, the original mod's map is really small and has some other drawbacks (explained below)
    • The location of the old mod was the borders of Texas-Mexico, Rio Grante and all that. In our mod, we'd like to change scenery for a couple of reasons: a) to stay away from the whole Mexican Adventure thing, if possible; it's cool and all, but not what I had in mind for this, and doesn't quite fit with the lore too much. b) Instead of a "Fistful of Dollars" setting, in terms of environment, weather and such, we went for a "High Plains Drifter", "Josey Wales" or "Hang 'em High" setting. Plains, mountains, snow in the winter months, greenery in summer and spring etc.
    As you can see, I may have a Clint Eastwood bias. :mrgreen:
    But yeah, if you (or anyone else) could offer some alternative, while having those points in the lore and theme, I'd be very willing to change the county.
  8. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Nope, all the guns that were made after 1866 were removed, and many more guns were added that were made pre-1866; mostly small calibre revolvers and pepperboxes (like the Continental Arms pepperbox, the Slocum revolver etc.); maybe more obscure models, but since we made a new firing system, based on calibre, they are good options for role-playing.
    The county is fictional, much like in the original mod, although without the humoristic references, we are going for a more realistic setting and tone, even if it may be fictional, in the sense of people and place. The goal is to make a believable western setting, not really historical (and I must stress that, it's not a historical mod, but rather, one with emphasis on realism and authenticity), in the strict sense of the word.
    The separatist remnants in our lore aren't native units of the county, they're much like the rebels in the start of Josey Wales, they came here from somewhere else, dislodged from home, but still fighting.
    And as for geography, I freely admit, I have very little knowledge of the States. The map was made by Archieduke, and it is a great one, very appealing, and I think realistic; no extreme landmarks, such as mountains tall as High Hrothgar, or oceans in the middle of the map. It has hills, and rock formations (not Grand Canyon-esque), a river and mostly farmland. Our "towns" are basically the bigger villages or small towns of the county. There are forts, and the "villages" are either villages, or farms, or mills or such. Not strictly villages, in the sense the game dictates.

    Having said all that, we welcome all input. :grin:
  9. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Hey, man, massive, thanks! What's your Discord name?
    And yeah, the scenes are supposed to be quite small and self-contained. Like, 4-5 buildings in each side or something like that. The typical old west town.
  10. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Honestly? Since the mod takes place in just one county (I went for a very Red Dead feeling), there shouldn't be any huge cities, metropolis and such. The basic concept is one main street, with buildings on either side and forming a Π.
    The Indian towns have even less hassle (if one knows what they're doing with the scene editor, unlike us :razz:).
    The only "requirements", as such, are to have one "lord's hall entrance", a saloon (and we have a looooot of read props for those) and to take note of the spawn points. It's basically what tocan and I cannot do, really.
    The sieges use the exact same scenes, so again, just the spawn points needed and nothing else.

    Are you interested in helping? if so, I can send the mod files as soon as I'm home, plus the "research" and concept art for the scenes. Which, again, isn't anything complex, but it helps to have a reference?
  11. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    So far, I ported and converted the original mod's system, for city scenes. That means that each town uses just one big scene, and each different mission template uses the same scene, but with different spawn points; the only different scenes are the interior "lord hall" scenes, but I can do those, and in fact I have a couple different ones. It is a good system, and it works, pretty much without any flaw I could find.
    In turn, that means we have only 3 scenes for the 14 "western" towns, the 3 scenes from the original mod. We have moved the setting from the Texas-Mexico border to a county in Ohio, somewhere, just a month or so after the Civil War ended. Still a semi-fictional setting. This enables us to have a nice setting with seasonal shaders, have a CSA "remnant" faction etc. In terms of concept and evnironemtns, think the Pale Rider, High Plains Drifter and Josey Wales.
    But also, we need more western type towns, and also a couple of Indians, if it's possible. Currently, the Indian scenes are not ideal, because a) we lack scenes for them (longhouses and walled villages, in our setting, not teepees) and b) they use scenes from the 1755 mod. I am not really comfortable with that, and it was done mostly to have something other than Native.

    The good news are that we have forts and villages covered. :razz:
  12. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Hi, thanks for the answer, I will be waiting for the transfer of the mod to Warband. But is there a way to download your submod now?

    I'm talking about the version for Mount & Blade
    I'll upload it as soon as I can find some time, I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Any word as to when it will come out? Very excited
    Difficult to say. The mod, as far as being playable and suitable for a first version, is ready, except the scenes. Neither tocan nor I can make scenes, and so, we have a problem there.
  13. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Hello there! The mod for the original has been inactive, for some time now. We are working on a Warband port/submod (basically, a completely new mod, but since we are using parts of the old asset, we are required to label it a sub-mod).
  14. Antonis

    The more you know!

  15. Antonis

    The more you know!

    And to me. But that's hardly surprising. What's your excuse?
  16. Antonis

    What made you sad today? v.IV

    I like how Densetsu came back just to talk **** about a bunch of sites. :razz:
  17. Antonis

    [Sub-mod]1866: Western Mod - For a few years more

    Hey, guys, a bit late to the party. Sorry, I don't check this place very often, these days. :razz:
    I'd love to help, but I changed the music tracks a couple of times, and I don't really remember anything; it's been a couple of years since I last checked the vanilla M&B version, and by now, a lot more years since I started it.
    I can safely tell you that the Warband version we're working on has only royalty free tracks, because I hand-picked them and more recently, but that's for Warband, don't really remember much about the ones in vanilla.
  18. Antonis

    What made you lose faith in humanity today?

    Getting some low-key Gwyneth Paltrow vibes, from her. :razz:
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