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  1. teg5511

    Brytenwalda: Videos (update 27-06-2013)

    The playlist for my Let's Play of Brytenwalda, if anybody's interested.

    I use a lot of media from outside the mod (music mostly, but also movie clips) to create a slightly different setting and narrative, but hopefully makes it more enjoyable to watch?
  2. teg5511

    [Let's Play] With Fire and Sword: Coward Edition!

    Recruitademt said:
    Teg you gotta do more of these, maybe start one all over again this one was truly awesome and the hair was always chillin the boner everytime you was close to dying!

    I'm starting a let's play for Brytenwalda, but I'm completely reversing the 1st death thing, I think being able to be more gung-ho and reckless will make up for the fact that I'm allowed to die. Link to it is in my signature, but at the moment its only the teaser trailer.

    Knight of will said:
    Im thinking that once you get hit you lose like 2 hp every 30seconds for bleeding until you spend a few seconds patching yourself up (like using bandages)

    Brytenwalda (warband mod) has this! It's 1hp every 10 or 15 seconds, and you can't heal at all during battle.
  3. teg5511

    [Let's Play] With Fire and Sword: Coward Edition!

    Yeah, stray bullets are a problem...

    I figured that'd be the case, and was mostly using it as a short test to see how I enjoyed doing a LP of Mount and Blade, but it quickly got to the point where I was really enjoying it and trying my darndest to stay safe.
  4. teg5511

    [Let's Play] With Fire and Sword: Coward Edition!

    Hey all, I've been doing a Let's Play of my first experience with With Fire and Sword, and figured I'd share it with you guys. In an attempt to make it interesting and not have it go on forever, I've decided that I'd consider my character dead and stop the LP the first time I'm reduced to zero...
  5. teg5511

    Brytenwalda: Videos (update 27-06-2013)

    I'm gearing up to make a full on Let's Play of Brytenwalda, with the goofy premise that I'm immortal (read: highlander) to account for the many, many times I'll be split open with an axe, as well as to differentiate it from my LP of With Fire and Sword, where I deleted my character when he "died" for the first time on the field.

    The first episodes should be popping up on youtube in about a week or so.

    In a blatant disregard for historical accuracy, I'll probably be splicing in some footage from the first Highlander movie, which takes place almost a full millenium after this mod. Would a few mild live-action anachranisms prevent it from being suitable for this thread?
  6. teg5511

    Question about Graphic Enhancements (PL, CiD combo)

    In a bizarre inversion of this problem, I installed v1.36 and the graphics submod, and whenever I loaded a game it couldn't find any of the skyboxes. I figured I'd use snuggydoodle's advice of mucking with the module.ini, but when I opened it up, it was already set to loading native skyboxes (LOAD_RESOURCE instead of LOAD_MOD_RESOURCE).

    I switched it to load mod resource, and now it works fine. Just figured I'd post this incase anybody else runs into the same problem.

    (This doesn't strike me as a bug, per se, so I'm posting it here instead of the bug thread. Should I?)
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