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  1. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Epicrules said:
    PoP 4 was cancelled.

    BUT, Saxondragon did (possibly jokingly) state that he would continue mod development if we paid him for the work up front! there's a chance! Any benevolent millionaires here? =D
  2. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    X-bow vs Bow - my take.

    X-bow has excellent damage 'out of the box', and also a little better accuracy without proficiency.
    Bow is faster, but have very poor accuracy and damage 'out of the box'.
    But what it comes down to is scaling. X-bow doesn't scale much, other than accuracy and a little bit of damage from the proficiency bonus. There's no real way you can boost the damage of the X-bow beyond that.
    The Bow, however, scales very well. It goes from being frankly quite bad at early levels, to become godlike in later levels. HOWEVER, this does require a very heavy investment in stats. For instance, if you want to wreck face with a masterwork Siege X-bow (because face it - you'll never get a decent Mettenheim Arbalest dropping for you...), you need 20STR. To maximize your efficiency with the Ruby Runed Bow, you need 30 strength AND 10 statpoints into Powerdraw. Even if you don't want to go for the Runed bow, you probably still want at least 9 Powerdraw to maximize your accuracy.

    Now, when you've made that heavy investment, the Bow is on a completely other level than the X-bow. It's fast, accurate, kills most enemies in 1 hit. BUT that's probably 6-9 attributepoints into STR that you could have used on INT. And if you take into consideration that INT gives a stat point, and you spent 9-10 on Powerdraw, that's 15 to 19 stat points you lose out on by going that route (21-25 if you're going HA, which frankly is overpowered like nobody's business).

    Now personally I play more out of a roleplaying standpoint. Before I start the game, I figure out the characters background, and what tactics that background would suggest I use. Currently I'm playing a soldier based on the Roman Legionary, who used sword, shield, pike and javelins. If I modelled myself on the Turkish or Mongolian steppe tribes, I would do a Horsearcher build. For a British archer during the 13th century, I would go for a footarcher, and so on. I find this is a much more interesting way of playing, as you don't obsess with min-maxing everything, but play into your characters strengths and weaknesses.
  3. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Duckular101 said:
    Ok. I am a King. I have 7 towns and 11 castles. And I am making barely 1200 Denars a week... I checked out the stats and it says I am losing 20,000 to corruption... I have trained up the governors (seneschals), built plenty of fief and town improvements, and tried to reduce garrison sizes down to 200 in a castle and 300 in a town more or less. I have given 2 towns to vassals as well as a number of castles. What can I do to improve my income?

    Corruption is an automatic penalty you get for holding too many fiefs. Only way to reduce corruption is to give land away to your vassals.
    For improving economy otherwise, follow zykox's advice above me. Especially troop cost is a major expense, and will probably be the first thing you'd want to look at.
  4. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    MetalCh3 said:
    Thanks for the detailed info. I am pretty bad in terms with knighthood orders so I cant recruit from them. I mainly meant the best troops I can recruit from villages and train to elites. I know it sounds lame but I am pretty broke at the moment and made a mistake to join Fierdsvein. :sad:

    Well, depends on playstyle a little bit. And what factions you're currently on good terms with =P
    Personally I think Fierdsvain are quite good. Just work yourself up to the Huscarl (Axeman and up), and you'll have a good and tanky footsoldier army that can handle most threats.
    Would stay away from D'Shar troops early on, as they are fairly useless until you get them up to a Bladesman.
    Sarleon have pretty decent infantry. Ravenstern the best archers... Empire is probably too far away for efficient recruiting, but are my favorite one-stop shop for troops, with both good melee and ranged options.
    ...but for now, yeah, I think I would just work with the Fiersvain Axeman line, get tavern recruits, companions.. Raid a lot of Vanskerry parties, and you'll get rich soon enough.
    Also, look for enemies with a lot of prisoners you can recruit :wink:

    As for Knighthood troops - that's only really a viable option if you hold a castle or town. Personally I love to own Singal, since I can get Eventide troops for free without getting on friendly terms :wink:
  5. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Alavaria said:
    MetalCh3 said:
    1-Does Quigfen's stash ever get restored?
    1. His shop? Not sure. However the better shop (which also doesn't take a gem to open) in the Noldor secret castle does restock.

    Nope, Quigfen's shop doesn't restock at any time. As for the other shop being better - well, on rare occasions you can actually get great gear from that shop. Quigfen's shop, however, always stock some of the best gear you can get in the game. Now, is it worth the Qualis-gem to unlock? ...possibly, but I prefer to use my first 3 for stats, and the remaining for CKO. (for me, Rune weapons are luxury items for very late game. Partly because of balancing reasons ((Okay.. it almost feels like cheating to get them early on! Besides, King weapons are more thematic =P ))
  6. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    There's not really a realistic max stat. There IS a max stat of 63, but you'll never reach it in normal play.
    There is a point where stats stop being useful for skills, and that's at 30. Stats will still have an effect - Str for health, Int for skillpoints, Cha for bigger army (useless with renown, imo) and Agi to run faster.

    For most stats, you don't really need anything higher than ...oh, idk.. 21ish in order to just about max out your skills. This due to achievements and skillbooks (and that unless you're going for a special theme, you don't need to max out most skills). Now strength you might want to max out, depending on what armors you're going for (the best you can equip being 30str, mainly Demon and Noldor male armor). You might also want to max strength if getting a Ruby rune bow. Accounting for achievements, get 29 strength, then +1 for killing a demon army.

    Myself I tend to stop with Agi and Char at 18-21, Str at whatever my max Str-req will be (unless going for a bow-build, this'll usually mean around 18-21), and then I just pump Int for more skillpoints.
    Take account of books and achievements if you're into min-maxing. As for Qualis gems, I tend to just do the 3 first myself, since the stat bonus drops to 1 point after the third gem.
  7. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    You can some times find certain Barclay items i the stores, but not the good stuff. To get the juicy bits I suggest saving before engaging their army over and over and over and over and over until you get what you need =P As for Armored Crossbowmen vs Sappers - that is a very tough call. The xbowmen have better stats and come with a shield. They are also easier to get hold of. Sappers come with an Arbalest though, which does more damage.
    As for the highlanders - you can find their gear in shop afaik. They're just beefed up Kierguards I think. Can't think of any faction equivalents. And for Barclay Heavy Footman - they're a pretty basic heavy footman. Prefer the Empire Legionnaires myself for that class (well, actually Blademasters would be my pick, but they take forever-and-a-half to train).
  8. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 9 - Ethnic Instruments

    After three and a half months of frantic refreshing, SOMETHING! I love something! You should have more of something! =]
  9. Best Knighthood Order and Why

    Well, in some situations, there are 'best' orders. For instance if defending a siege, Eventide and Ebony Gauntlet tend to be superior to the others, as they both tend to use morningstars (crush through blocks, destroys the siege ladders and such). As mentioned earlier, the Shadow Legion have by far the best proficciencies - and they also spawn mounted with lances and throwing weapons, making them an all-round deadly force.
    Personally, I like the join orders which have a similar fighting-style to mine. In my current game I'm a horse-archer, so it felt natural to go with the Windriders (though Larian Outriders would be another option). Footsoldier - Ebony Gauntlet or Immortals. And for women, you usually have to go with Valkyries or Order of the Falcon (as they per lore admit women into their ranks).
    Another thing to consider is where you want to make your empire. It's a big boon to have the Order Stronghold close to where you start out as a king, for easy access to food (from the quartermaster), and for the upgrades.
  10. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Not in my experience. Claimants have the gear you give them.
  11. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    pvtchaos said:
    Terciperix said:
    Hello everyone,

    How do you manage your party moral when you have a lot of men under your command(>180), I need them to capture castles but if I can't get enough battles they start to desert and if I go into too much battles  then I lose men I would need to capture the castle I want.

    All the tips above and dont use troops of your enemy. Im currently floating at around 380 men morale stable party, even though my max party can be 500.

    Sorry, but I do have a hard time believing that you can stay at 380 strong for longer periods of time without any booze or desertions. Highest stable I usually get tend to be right below 300, with all foodstuffs and a baggage-train (this includes getting the morale bonus from being king). But if you boost morale in taverns, it's doable - even with higher numbers (though expensive).
    One trick you can do (especially if you have few different types of troops) is to station all your troops in a garrison, and then boost morale in tavern. Cheap and same effect, though I consider it an exploit, and thus don't do it myself.
    But as others say - A high leadership is a requirement (I tend to get at least 7, before I read the book and start out as a king - which leaves me with 9), and use taverns for the dips between battles. If you use the battlesizer, and have the battlesize rather high (250+. I have mine at 300 and that does me fine), then you're usually better off running a smaller number of elite troops than a lot of fluff. Keeps the morale high, and with a large battle size you won't usually have the problem of spawning in with too few troops.
  12. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    There is a tier after bladesman - Scorpion Assassin, which are decent cavalry and really deadly infantry (though they take very long to train).
    I do agree that their cavalry generally are quite lackluster. If you REALLY want to do the whole D'shar thing, join the Windriders in Torbah - they are quite decent.
    As for if they intend to balance the factions - probably not, but there is appearantly a 3.7 in the works (just don't hold your breath for it).

    In my games, D'shar is usually the first faction to lose ground. If you help them win some extra fiefs, though, they usually get the numbers they need to hold their own. If the lords are in battle, join them - they are worse in auto-calc than when you're with them. Especially vs Fiersvain it's better to join in. Berserkers and swordmaidens are great in autocalc, but die easilly when you're there.

    If you join the windriders, bounty quests sometimes reward you with windriders and dustriders. Other than that, just look around in the taverns and pick up what you need. Young nobles turn into Hero Adventurers (eventually). Another good tactic is to look at what prisoners the raiders and heretics have, and kill them to recruit said prisoners. Just know you can't recruit windriders, knight of the eventide, or other lvl50+ units.
  13. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    oldark said:
    If they have a good relation with you then just capture them and speak to them in your party. They'll often offer to join you instead of paying a ransom.

    When during a rebellion (ie. a Claimant quest), that doesn't work, sadly. But in the end all joined back after I took all fiefs and beat every single lord of theirs on the map. Such a hassle though =P

    Grotrian said:
    Is it better to train your own KCO first with 30str companions and then upgrade them with wads of cash?

    Pretty much. Agility and weapon proficiencies are nice too (makes them move/attack faster). Just train as much as you can, and then 'improve quality' after (improving quality gets very expensive after a short while, so unless you got infinite money, it's always best to do it this way).
  14. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    One question here - what does it take to get lords to join a rebellion? 50+ relation with many of them, got all but 2 walled fiefs taken over, and still noone wants to join me =P
    They can say they like my military power, like me and my company, side with my choice of cause, and that people will understand if the were to leave.. And still - It's not good to have a reputation of one who abandons his lord - yadda yadda.. So.. what gives? (Personally I got 160 honor, 6k renown and 6 points in persuasion)

    Well, now I've taken ALL the fiefs, and they still don't want to join (but they love throwing inferior numbers at me and then disappear=/ ).... So yeah, I just don't know. Guess I'll just wipe'em all out, and then they 'join' as their kingdom has fallen?
  15. Noob question-Can't really find an answer

    I guess early game is as long as you need it to be, really.
    I tend to run around doing quests and trading for quite a while. I don't even bother doing much else until I get all the companions I want together.
    When you're comfortable with skill and gear, and have a solid economy (dyeworks in most/every town), then start worrying about making a name for yourself. Until then, just keep increasing relations (being a mercenary is a good way to do this), feed your economy and level your companions :wink:

    ...that's the nice thing with this game, you can to some extent set your own pace. If you're like me, and like looooooong games (1500+ days), then I recommend using TweakMB to disable stat-loss after 757th day.
  16. [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    As far as I know, skills have no effects on the ministers. I tend to use the wife, as she doesn't really fit any other purpose (other than keeping tabs on our larder, I guess)
  17. Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 6 - Astounding Squirms

    It's a good start, a good start! =]
    While the character model on show looks good, it's still a bit funky in the mouth-nose area. But I am really looking forward to see more of the system in action.
    And as others mention, it would be awesome if we could see some of the character customization available! ...Body size? Tattoos? Place your own scar (I got one from falling off a bike at age 5, high up left cheek, almost looks like an A. ...add that in, would ya!)? =D
    Now... I also wish the blogs came a bit more often, or had a bit more content. tease! <3

  18. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    Chriss39 said:
    After freeing a captured lord it would be realistic if you got a rep increase with all that lord's friends and family. Perhaps a larger increase for family and a smaller increase for friends, maybe a tiny increase with the king of that faction. A rep decrease with the captor and any particular enemies of the freed lord may also be appropriate. long as you're not the one who captured him in the first place! =P But I do agree that freeing Lords from captivity or prison should reward rep immediately. In my opinion that should also go for sieges or big battles - that rep should be awarded immediately without having to seek out every and all of the relevant parties to beg for a rep-point or two (is that even possible? to reward immediately, that is? Would be a HUGE quality of life boost)
  19. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    I've probably said so before, but what I would like to see in 3.7 is:
    More loot!  - easy enough to understand. More items is more options! =P Many of the knighthood orders have some gear special to them, and I wouldn't mind if that was expanded upon so all major KO have some special stuff. Especially Xbows are a bit of a lack of in the game, so could an Ebony Gauntlet XBow be implemented, for instance? (oh, and gief moar 1h/2h)
    Gear balancing - It might be just me, but I find the Noldor-gear to be a bit too strong. With the exception of specialty spawn items, strange items and kings' weapons, Noldor-gear just overpoweres everything. I like that the Noldor are strong, but I would still like to see a bit of balancing in that area, just so you have more freedom to build from - either by toning Noldor items down, or by bringing more items up near that level. Another thing is strength-requirements on different pieces of gear could be readjusted some (I'm tired of seeing Ansen with boobs, okay!? =P ). Also, is it possible to not increase requirements on Masterwork Xbows? Just a bit weird when a masterwork light xbow takes 14 str to use, and is less dmg than a normal xbow (12str).
    Faster CKO progression - I like that it takes time to get it up and running, as it should. In my opinion, though, it takes a bit too long, both for the early gear and early training. I would like it if the training was faster to begin with, and then take progressively longer. I would also like the entry-level gear to be faster to get to.
    Loot in sieges! - do I need say more? =]
    Faster/cheaper fief improvement - At least for villages. At the moment there doesn't seem to be an advantage to improve your fief (except for churches/shrines and sheriff). You might say it's a long-term advantage.. but.. how long term exactly. With the low monetary gains from fiefs in this mod, it will just take ages to turn a profit (though I guess I should shut up and settle for the rep and extra recruits..).

    Other than that - keep on rawkin'! Hope to see more news from the team =]
  20. Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 4 - Flexible Entries

    Hello Developers (and pawns)!

    Actually I don't think Siege needs that much extra. Work on balancing, AI and pathfinding, and you're more or less set.
    HOWEVER, I would REALLY love to see an overhead deployment screen kinda thing:
    -Select where ranged and melee are to go. Let us set percentages for how many of each group go where. [Example: Have 4 different settings: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% of that group in a certain area. As a defender, it might be possible to have 100% of Polearm and 100% shield on top of the ladder, and 50% of the archers in each tower. As an attacker you would get to chose what troops to start off with, and limited placement on the battleground (flanks, center, front, rear).]
        -Maybe this could be applied to world encounters too, though it's not as much needed as you have a lot more time before the fighting starts.
        -Maybe setup some places for replenishing arrows a finite amount of times (or a finite amount of arrows).
        -When arrows are out, ranged automatically goes to the melee-groups, evenly split.

    At least this is something I would really like to see =]
    Would be nice if there was some extra mechanics involved too, like more ladders or portable defenses with higher engineering and such, but would probably mean a lot more work on your end. It's an idea though.
    At any rate, I would like to thank you for the games you've made, and wish you good luck on the further development of Bannerlord!

    Eagerly awaiting,
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