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  1. ColonicAcid

    Who of the old guard are still around?

    Hi nerds...

    I have been transported to 2010 reading this thread, when my knees weren't pulverised into a fine powder and my back didn't hurt on a daily basis.

    Also whilst I like the dark theme this whole thing got going on I do miss the old eye destroying colour scheme.
  2. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    My entire county is basically 99.9% white british. The only outlier to this is Bath, to which there is a sizeable asian population but compared to the overall make up of Somerset it's nothing.

    It gets progressively more and more WASPy as you go more and more west until you reach rural cornwall where unless you're in a holiday town you will not find any other ethnicity other than burn in the sun white british person.

    It makes sense though, England is the originator of WASP, we perfected it.  :party: :party:
  3. ColonicAcid


    The Viking material?

    I think this is the wrong game for that lmao.
  4. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    You aint seen WASP until you come to the south west.

    It makes the hamptons look like the inner city.
  5. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    Его Высокопревосходительство said:
    The only thing that would actually make a Quebecois exotic though in, say, downtown Toronto, would be if they spoke with a thick accent.
    Would that really be exotic though? Toronto is more diverse than even London.
  6. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    I wanna live in a pygmy village.

    I would finally feel like an NBA player compared to them, living in blissful ignorance that I am in fact the tallest person in the world.
  7. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    Schrodingers ethnicity.

    You're both.
  8. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    American census considers anyone from Europe and the middle east as "caucasian".

    They're weird like that.
  9. ColonicAcid

    Dumb Ethnography Megathread

    My genetics are all ****ed up real bad.

    I guess that's what happens when my grans side of the family used to live in mozambique, add some (probable) moor blood as well from our past historical intermingling and I'm a very slight brown, i've got a gap tooth and some real bushy eyebrows that I have to trim or else I'll look like I came straight from morroco.

    I'm the European black sheep goddamn.

    Also talking about tribal genetics, whilst many people seem to think that all kenyans are good at long distance running that's a pretty big fallacy considering there is more genetic diversity between african tribes than there is between the entire world.
  10. ColonicAcid

    Age of Decadence

    They never did end up nerfing dodge.

  11. ColonicAcid

    Game of Thrones - HBO TV series based on 'A Song of Ice and Fire'

    Pretty sure if you don't know who Ed Sheeran is you get lynched here in the UK.
  12. ColonicAcid

    Screenshot Mega Thread

    Jacobhinds said:
    and BBC Radio 4 blaring through the subwoofer.
    So I see your sister enjoys auditory flagellation.
  13. ColonicAcid

    What's on your mind?

    dont talk about yourself like that m8
  14. ColonicAcid

    What's on your mind?

    I mean I just did.

    What are you gonna do call the police?
  15. ColonicAcid

    New movie trailers

    I'm HYPED.
  16. ColonicAcid

    What's on your mind?

    Weaver said:
    Of course there's nothing political in bullfighting but it's still strangely satisfying to find out that in this particular case proclivity towards a degenerate entertainment goes hand in hand with adherence to a degenerate ideology.
    Are you dense or pretending to be buddy.

    PS is a social democratic party.
  17. ColonicAcid


    Jacobhinds said:
    The modern cornish accent, for example, sounds like it is mid-shift.

    Met, theys still living in the middle ages down in the kern.
  18. ColonicAcid

    What's on your mind?

    Austyboo ^_^ said:
    Seriously, why is it so important to you that you go through all of these mental gymnastics to try to ignore about 4 or 5 different perspectives disagreeing with you. Myself, Amontadillo, Weaver and Duh are all over the political, philosophical and cultural* spectrum, don't make the mistake of thinking this is just some one-sided liberal thing.
    Firstly, I'm not American. I don't have an aversion to liberal politics. In fact I am heavily inter twinned with liberal politics. My family voted PS and I too would vote PS if I was still in Portugal for the elections. If I go any more left I would be voting PCP which is the communist party.

    My choice in supporting bullfighting has and never will be about supporting conservatism in any way. My decision is purely on my personal beliefs: watching bullfights in person with my grandad when I was small is one of my fondest memories. There is zero politics in this, and I understand that between people my age I am very much in the minority. It's a very south, ribatejo region thing. My position on this matter could be derived entirely from the fact that because of how close my family lived near ribatejo when I was young that I was very much involved in the culture compared to up in the north where there is basically zero bullfighting.

    Let me reiterate, I understand why you would completely hate bullfighting. I also feel like your views are purely painted by the negatives of it and you fail to see why people watch it. It's not to do with the gore. We don't particularly feel delight at the fact that we're killing the bull. I've always felt sad at the end of every single bullfight, especially if the bull fought hard throughout.
  19. ColonicAcid

    What's on your mind?

    Weaver said:
    That is not what free will entails. You do not understand what you are talking about.
    It is a simple capability of making a choice. You don't need a high IQ for that.
    Unfortunately I, you or anybody else also doesn't know what they're talking about because funnily enough we can't actually listen to an animals internal dialogue.

    I wish we could, but until then you're stating your opinion and I'm stating mine.
  20. ColonicAcid

    What's on your mind?

    I mean for all intents and purposes they don't have free will like we exercise it.

    Don't try and use the fact that we're all humans and we understand that we have free will to project onto animals. Only the very smartest animals have something close to our "free will" and even then it's still heavily guided by instinct.

    We are who we are because we, unlike every other creature in the world, broke out of behaviour purely on instinct.
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