Recent content by Zangi

  1. Incessant Clicking Noise - Bug or Feature?

    Yea, the cricket noise....

    Its too repetitive.  The clicking noise is constant and loud.

    This alone has made me turn off music for this mod.  I bothered to stop lurking just to say this.
  2. How to recruit lords we have in prison?

    I see no problems here.  They may like you, a lot.  But that doesn't mean they want to work for you.
  3. Feature Requests

    Veraxus5 said:
    Ashmond said:
    Veraxus5 said:
    I hate having to constantly spam crtl + h in sticky situations just so I can continue the battle without starting over.
      HEAR HEAR!  Thou knowest not what thou doest.  Even I, the great WB cheat doth not partake in +h spamming.

    Tell me about it. I don't like using cheats, but I hate having to retreat every time I get killed by a random bolt from left field as I'm directing my troops to advance...  :cry:

    At end of siege, just as last enemy dies and everyone is cheering...  you slip and fall off one of the walls, going unconscious.  You wake up to find that you get no loot nor recognition for your part in it.
  4. SP Native Native Mod Compilation - NMC 1.153 beta2 released

    Geroro said:
    instead of adding HP,maybe it can add something else up,like proficiencies or something like that.
    for every 1 leadership point, +1 proficiencies.

    Instead of adding insane amounts of HP: +1 HP and +1 Proficiencies?  Or just leave it at +1 HP...

    Also, fun times, I added a zero at the end of max number of bandits per party via tweak, especially when a bandit boss shows up...
  5. SP Native Native Mod Compilation - NMC 1.153 beta2 released

    Seriously, version numbers please.

    Otherwise, I'm quite interested in this as a native expansion mod.
  6. Bug Reports: 1.06

    Interesting mod...

    From 1.05 though, my first impression of the game battles amounted to:

    1. Gigantic Map, Plains?
    2. Taking about 60 - 120 seconds, to get to the 'bandits' while running full speed on starting horse.
    3. Finding the 'bandits' camping a spot and not moving.

    I stopped playing after 3-4 battles of that.
    Was it just me?  Was there some bug or something?
  7. Impressions / Suggestions

    Healing Units, need to be slowed down.  They are normally the 'vanguard' of any sort of infantry charge, due to their speed and light armor.  Which means they are the first to croak.  Which means they arn't doing their job.  What am I paying them for?  What are the AI lords paying em for?

    I suggest giving them unique armors, heavier then the weight class, but still light defense.

    SXIII said:
    Please either change the world map textures back to normal
    or (much preferred):
    Make neutral parties (like seariders) red (like in native expansion).

    Right now, it's very hard to spot those parties...

    I think that was the whole point.
    It does make it annoying when I want to auto-move to a far destination and have to keep a constant eye on the map/game.

    Also... Swadian armies are the biggest pains in the arse to fight....
  8. Starting Characters

    Personally like hunter best.  Quick enough to run when things go bad... >.> 
    It goes bad often.

    I've tired of using the default heavy armor on a charger with a stick.

    As for travelling merchant... can't say I like it.  Maybe its cause the merchants combat skills in anything are made of carp.  So you essentially become a light-weight field commander, who's job is more akin to hiding behind the troops... if you don't actively increase fighting abilities.

    Maybe if there were more options to commanding troops...
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