Recent content by Whenjackgoesback

  1. Resolved Scene Editor Assertion Failed!

    Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    Could you crash the game again and send us the crash id for debugging?
    I managed to fix it by reinstalling the game, but ill send it if it happens again
  2. Resolved Scene Editor Assertion Failed!

    Also this pops up if i press on the paint colour and ambient occlusion tho this does not make it crash


  3. Resolved Scene Editor Assertion Failed!

    Summary: I recently already had some problems and now after i placed down some entities i can't start mission anymore to test it out. The last thing i placed before it happened was the Balista_MP_spawnerB. i tried to delete it to try and see if it could help it but it still happens i have some...
  4. Resolved Scene Editor Some problems with the moddingkit

    Could you try deleting everything under Steam\SteamApps\Common\MountandBladeBannerlord\Shaders folder and verify the game files after that?
    It worked! really thank you so much
  5. Resolved Scene Editor Some problems with the moddingkit

    I loaded up the moddingkit in SP and it tells me that my shader cache is too old and that my Get_Tilesets are out of date. When i get into the loading screen it crashes the game. How can i update these 2 things? i have tried to delete the Tilesets in the native folder and the entire shader...
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