Recent content by vorpal+5

  1. vorpal+5

    Compiling a FAQ/Guide of sorts

    The in game intro text refers to it as a Test Combattant mod, so is it still true with current patch? Do we get an invasion count down as the previous SOD for M&B ? This is not clear...

    Do we have any doc on the mod by the way?
  2. vorpal+5

    Best weapon ever :-)

    If this is too good, this is exploitive  :wink:

    As the 'kill sea raiders' party, rince and repeat (sea raiders are much better to kill than any other party, cash wise)

    I usually try to get my hands on a balanced sword of war myself.
  3. vorpal+5

    SoD Starting Strategies and Guides

    I tried twice the game (the second attempt, I stopped at day 240) and for my third attempt I think I came to some solutions to my problems. The aim is to blitzkrieg, i.e hoard money and men until you have some decent reserves, and then in one sweep take 3-4 castles in a row from a weakened nation. Also I take care of not antagonizing any one but the weakened factions, so I will buy peace / be at peace with everyone but the crippled nation when I do that ....

    I never exploit the game, so no one archer vs 300 garrison men or alternatively reduce battle size down to 2, etc. That would do a disservice to my fun...
  4. vorpal+5

    How to change party behaviors

    Hi, I have checked the 82 tweaks in Mage Lord list, but to no avail. Is it possible to mod the game so that parties in follow don't run away when they see a force stronger than them? Same question with party chasing enemy when on follow. Basically, follow is ... follow, and in all circumstances.
  5. vorpal+5

    Balancing loots

    Hi, Loots are not very balanced I find. Some parties really give much, for example the Sea Raiders are a must to get money. Some really don't give a crap even if they can be hard to defeat... And there are also cases where you defeat a whole Lord's party and don't get much ... just today I...
  6. vorpal+5

    Help - I lost my regiment - how do I see all troops on map ?

    even their fleeing behavior is not entirely realistic. Are they all supposed to be a rabble? I mean when an army is moving and is somehow disciplined, their formations won't all break up in tiny packets to flee when an enemy appears superior ... That's the point of having a disciplined army, to not flee on sight but stand ground.

    but the follow order must be indeed a real follow, not 'follow until you see someone to stab' ...
  7. vorpal+5

    Help - I lost my regiment - how do I see all troops on map ?

    and its damn annoying, for most of us anyway... is gameplay not supposed to take precedence over so called realism  :wink:
  8. vorpal+5


    The mod is great and I played it much. I have 2 bugs to report:

    1. if you lose all your castles, you still get events about them but with a date in place of the name of a castle. Or you have lost all your village and the game tells you the village 'April 1301' has having a plague ...  kinda weird.

    2. I often get script errors on illegal random party creation.
  9. vorpal+5


    The keys are P J K

    P for a line, not much of an interest

    J and K for ranks and wedge. Interesting to resist better a cavalry charge or to make a more powerful one.

    Aside that, not much of an interest, until we get something as evolute as the tactical planner of the China mod (plus a pause at start of battle so to dispose our troops at our pace, as in TW)
  10. vorpal+5

    [Development] - Suggestions, Brainstorming Thread for V5

    Any chance to get the choice between 'legionaire invasion' and 'undead invasion' just with an option or something like that? I like the invaders to feel pure evil... Legionaires... what's wrong with them, they are the nice guys no?  :mrgreen:
  11. vorpal+5

    Curious on how you proceed in SOD

    thanks, I took my first castle, without chea... I mean reducing the battle sizer ... Still at 300. These 75 Black Army supporters sure helped pincushions the defenders :wink:
  12. vorpal+5


    What is the purpose of Honour? Same as vanilla? I remember reading the PDF manual a while ago, but can't find it now (and yes my copy is legit in case you wonder), so if someone can tell me what is the purpose of honour in SOD, thanks!
  13. vorpal+5

    Curious on how you proceed in SOD

    Hi, This is it!! I want this game to go to the end... But in all my previous games I had trouble finding a sound strategy. So far, I have accumulated 18.000 gold, and I plan to go to 30.000 at least. Reasoning is that when I get a castle, I'll have to pay new buildings and maintain/hire troops...
  14. vorpal+5

    trans-patch way of removing the 'companions *****ing at each other' gamefeature?

    ok, will do, thanks for your kind help anyway.
  15. vorpal+5

    trans-patch way of removing the 'companions *****ing at each other' gamefeature?

    This is what I did, changing it to 1. But this was an ongoing game...


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