Recent content by Visi

  1. Profanity filter …

    Definitely should give players the option to turn it off, but blame the toxic playerbase lmao. Highly doubt its tame cuss words that made them do it, the mount and blade community seems to like spamming racist **** in chat constantly so I can see why they added it
    I prefer blaming the developers who choose to infantilize their playerbase.
    It is necessary, I have had players call me a bad name countless times. We need to build a safe, inclusive community if we want multiplayer to thrive. This sort of toxic rhetoric is why Mordhau and Chivraly 2 exceed us in players. This filter needs to be enabled by default and no option to turn it off to prevent hate speech such as racial slurs, homophobic remarks, and other bigotry.
    Or, instead of big brothering it up and having the developers or power-hungry abusive moderators micromanage player interactions, you simply give players the option to censor "profanity" if they want, and implement simple blocking/mute functions for players to use against people they no longer wish to interact with. This common sense approach used to be the go-to for developers.
    people calling profanity filters censorship is peak NA, change my mind

    IMO: fix basic issues (such as the harass example above), add a checkbox for mild/average swearing and just auto-filter racial slurs and the like, perhaps auto-mute for them.
    Is the implication here that NA is always correct? When "profanity filters" are forced onto people with no option to disable them, it literally is censorship. The fact that a mod openly endorses such a statement is extremely concerning. WTF happened to TW?
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