Recent content by Trifail

  1. Which faction has the best musketeers?

    I like to keep it simple so i will join the swedish reiter group. Just keep a full army of them an you should be fine - in the offense attacking other armies & towns aswell as at defence protecting the wall.

    But i do admit that i don't use mercs cause it seems that they are far more expensive for upkeep. Somebody please enlighten me on this.
  2. Useful tips to players

    You can always 'start' your own faction :wink:

    Since i couldn't join a faction a finishing my quests was out of the question - had to capture Warsaw which was to strongly fortified i went freelancer. I took over a swedish fort that then served as my base of operation. An army of swedish reiters can capture almost any city :smile:
  3. why cant i recrute in my fortress

    Well i have a fortress and i am getting automatically new units - no need to buy them manually and neither do i see a commander anywhere.

  4. why cant i recrute in my fortress

    Not completely sure but i think you need some buildings for automatic recruitment. So i guess its buildings + commanders.
    Somebody correct me if i'm wrong.

    Armory: Adds some low-tier units to the garrison every week. Requires monthly maintenance cost.
    Barracks: Adds some high-tier units to the garrison every week. Requires monthly maintenance cost.
  5. Useful tips to players

    OK here is a question to the more experienced:

    I am playing with the polish, i was even a merc for them. During this time i also recruited Colonel Zagloba and the 'The Deluge' quest started. ONce my merc contract expired (after 3 months i didn't extend it in good hope that the King will grant me becoming a vassal. But nothing happened. Currently i have high relations with the Polish republuc aswell as with the king but i can't become a vassal.

    Somewhere it is said you can't become a vassal if you have an active storyline. Is that true?

    If that is so, what must i do to become a vassal of the polish nation?

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