Recent content by TP-Thor

  1. The 95th Regiment of Foot Aka 95th Rifles (Skirms/Arty/Line)[EU] *Recruiting*

    Alright, try adding ''Men In Tights'' instead of colaaddict tho. :smile:
  2. The 95th Regiment of Foot Aka 95th Rifles (Skirms/Arty/Line)[EU] *Recruiting*

    Name: Thijs
    Steam ID (Or a link to your profile page): colaaddict1 (I know, dont ask.)
    Age: 21
    Nationality: Dutch
    Experience in the game before: In NW pretty much zero. Just picked it up a few days ago. But overal I'd say 50 hours
    Do you understand the rules of the Regiment? Yes.
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