Recent content by StrikerSmith

  1. StrikerSmith

    General Discussion and Suggestions

    Meh, my bad then. Its just that there so much new stuff, its hard to remember everything. No way to fix it after it happened?

    What I searched but didnt found is there an option to get a castle back by one of your Lords? I just find the option the exchange settlemts.
  2. StrikerSmith

    General Discussion and Suggestions

    I created my own Kingdom with the German Holy Order culture. The thing is, all my lords wear middle eastern armor. How do I change that? Or is that not fixable? It somehow destroys the immersion if your lords fight alongside their troops
  3. StrikerSmith

    SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    Where do I find armor and helmets of Westerlands soldiers? I like those the most, but all I find are some random plate armors and helmets. Nothing faction specific
  4. StrikerSmith

    1812 - Single Player Remake - Beta IV - "The Emperor's Finest" (Released) V1.1

    I still don't get what I need to download. All 4 downloads? its very iritating
  5. StrikerSmith

    The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

    Othurin said:
    [WB] S NOT [NW] S

    I know it's for WB. But they still can use the same reloading animations aswell crouching animations, can't they?
  6. StrikerSmith

    The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

    I've not read all sides but the main information given on the first page. I also looked at screenshots and so on. So, it seems you will use the reloading animations from Napoleonic Wars? And also the crouching system/animations? What about the line system of NW, will it be in the mod, too?

    Thanks for answering :smile:
  7. StrikerSmith

    The Original L'Aigle Thread, for the sake of history. Be ye warned.

    Great, really great work so far. A few questions

    Are you planning to make new reloading animations which fit the guns?

    Are the "battlefields" open and perhaps flat?
  8. StrikerSmith

    MP Modern Toy Soldiers (World War 1 Mod)

    Der Einzige said:
    Duke Daniel Milutin said:
    Cod got a mod called "Project Realism".
    Thats for Arma2 and BF2

    Nope. The mod is named "Project Reality" not Realism.
  9. StrikerSmith

    MP Modern Toy Soldiers (World War 1 Mod)

    I've not read every site and perhaps I didn't see it, but it is possible that you got inspired by the Xbox Arcade Game "Toy Soldiers"? I've only played the demo, but I'm gonna buy it, it's really fun  :mrgreen:
  10. StrikerSmith

    M&B Herr Der Ringe Mod ?

    Nein auf niemanden bezogen sondern auf das Forum allgemein. Ich habe vllt etwas harsche Kritik geäußert aber das man danach so angemacht wird passiert mir in KEINEM Forum wo ich angemeldet bin. ICh lasse mich auch nicht durch andere die Augen verdrehen, ich verfolg TLD schon ne ganze Zeit lang und finds einfach schwach so wenig Infos rauszulassen, klar ist es ne Mod und umsonst, aber positiv find ich es trotzdem nicht, immerhin hält man Fans mit Leckerbissen am Ball, aber sofern sie nur alle paar Monate bis halbjährig kommen ist das schon sehr grenzwertig und führt vielleicht zum desinteresse
  11. StrikerSmith

    M&B Herr Der Ringe Mod ?

    Krass wie assozial das Forum ist  :mrgreen:
  12. StrikerSmith

    MP Medieval Age of Blades - AoE II based multiplayer mod

    I really like the Japanese and Byzantine nations, both have heavy Units. But also Teutons and Britains are awesome :smile:

    I really disliked the Wikings, Turks, Perser (don't know if it right  :???: ) and Franks (Is that right?  :???: )
  13. StrikerSmith

    M&B Herr Der Ringe Mod ?

    TLD wird sowieso nie fertig, sorry, aber ich finds auf deutsch gesagt scheiße so zögerlich auch mit nur irgendwelchen Infos rauszurücken. Klar machen sies umsonst (ist kein Argument das ich akzeptiere) und sieht wunderschön aus das Ganze, aber es einfach nicht nachvollziehbar mit Previews so zu sparen. (ich wieß von der gestern erschienenden)
  14. StrikerSmith

    TLD (The Last Days, LOTR mod) for M&B 1.011 Scenes Preview - updated

    I don't like the strategy of letting fans wait months till next preview or news. Same strategy is used by Dice/EA for Battlefield 1943, and what happens? People getting uninterested to it.
    But, TLD is a mod, that's different. But I would suggest to post more often screens, perhaps 1 per week or so :wink:

    Best scenes I've ever seen, hope the ones of the Third Age for M2:TW will look same way :smile:
  15. StrikerSmith

    Mount&Gladius das BESTE Mod meiner meinung nach :-)

    Warum betonst du das DER so? Auch wenns grammatikalisch falsch ist, genauso wenn man sagt "Die M16, M60 " etc. (Heißt DAS Sturmgewehr, nicht Die Sturmgewehr)
    Ich krieg nen Kotzreiz bei "Der Mod". Naja, wie auch immer, schade das es keine Server mehr gibt, aber ehrlichgesagt hat mich der Multiplayer Part bei 99% der Mods entweder nicht interessiert, oder ich mochte ihn nicht
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