Recent content by Sterkop3

  1. My current thoughts

    I agree with you man. Literally just fully combine the 2 games. That would be amazing. The game above all games. For people who just want to battle, there would still be this option would there not? You will probably lose relation with Lord's and kingdoms but that just means more wars and battles which is exactly what you want.
  2. My current thoughts

    Hey, fellow CK2 player here. The reason I either play CK2 or Bannelord on any given day depends on if I feel like dealing with politics, plotting and treachery or Jumping straight into battle. Both games are great in their own right, but their approach to feudalism is very different. For most people that play Bannerlord/Warband CK2's approach to vassal relations may be too detailed, while bannerlord thrives with simplicity in diplomacy and the fun of the land battles.
    Why not have the option of both? Late game bannerlord is boring and needs more to it. I think adding CK2 like options would be a wonderful solution.
  3. Are we having less female wanderers in beta?

    The only female wanderer I recruited, Zeindneya the Leopardess or something, cost me 12k, and then I gave her an additional 10K worth of gear. She left my party immediately and went to Phycaron. I wanted to get my gear back, but now her hire cost is 82k.

    I got simped by a videogame. I am now on an active THOT patrol in my campaign, executing any female lords I come across.
    You've gone through your right of passage my friend. You're now for the boys.
  4. Customizable companions

    for you nay sayers, why not?
  5. Darshi and vakken cultures?

    nordic im pretty sure
  6. Are we having less female wanderers in beta?

    If there are less, then good.
  7. Customizable clan troops?

    Once you become king or own land, what do you all think about a feature that allows you to create your own troops? Make them as expensive as the armor you select for them and per the skills you allow them. Also make them sellable. Essentially, you're creating a new mini culture.
  8. Guardians, Boars, Skolder, Triarii, etc

    Maybe the ability to have your own custom troops for your clan would be nice based on other clans having them. A nice tier 5 perj
  9. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Barter for Minor Faction Troops

    Agreed across the board.
  10. Customizable companions

    Let us customize companions names and looks please. That is all.
  11. Adding To The Opening Of A Battle With A Duel

    Really cool idea! Im on board.
  12. Should Recruits Change Culture to the Occupying Faction's?

    Wouldn't mind *Auxiliaries* Maybe they've got a few bits of empire kit for instance but are essentially the same unit.
    Yes this is great. They take on a look of the ruling faction but are still their own culture.
  13. SP - Battles & Sieges Non-polearm mounted combat is basically useless

    I'm also finding it very hard to hit anything from horseback. Even with spears I probably land only 1/5 hits. Honestly have no idea what is happening as I was quite good at it in Warband.

    Edit: Maybe the e-peen warriors can have an uber ultra warrior mode where they can preen and show off, and for the rest of us a few adjustments to make the fights a bit more enjoyable.
    Haha I was getting really sick of it too. Good to know there's reasonable people out there.
  14. SP - Battles & Sieges Non-polearm mounted combat is basically useless

    Conclusion by 9.5/10 people... Buddy go train some more... this is perhaps the only concept in bannerlord that is not broken.. its just hard to hit people when your on horseback with a short weapon... The timing, position, swing and angle combined with horse speed and enemies damageresistance/armor need to be perfect in order to deliver serious damage.
    I'm on horseback with a 120 length 1h cleaver and I still have trouble with it. I think the hit box is just smaller on horseback compared to bannerlord as a way to nerf mounted combat. Whether or not they should change that? Idk.. all I know is that it is definitely more difficult to fight melee on horseback (besides with Lances)...

    9.5/10 people according to who? Don't throw around ad populum fallocial crap.
  15. SP - Battles & Sieges Non-polearm mounted combat is basically useless

    I am sorry this is off topic and incredibly rude. How is telling someone they should take time and improve make them an evil antagonized bad person? Take a step back and read what you wrote my friend. We should come together and discuss without resolving to petty name calling and labeling. Treating eachother as individuals and gaming compatriots.
    Truce? ?

    Yes. It makes it feel authentic. You don't have great control over the point of your weapon irl unless you are some sort of kung fu master. The visual cue would be a great addition as a toggleable option for those that would like the feature implemented. ?
    Get out of here with that simp crap... The guy was clearly talking down to him so he defended himself. If you're gonna give anyone a slap on the wrist, it should be that doktor barber troll.
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