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  1. Spyware

    Inconsistent Naming Convention: Drosios Neretzes is called Emperor Neretzes but Arenicos Pethros is called Emperor Arenicos?

    Because Drosios Neretzes was named later, before he was just emperor neretzes

    Could be because Aenicos' was also war hero, so deeply loved by everyone so more intimate form while Neretzes everyone has shame of him so you just address him formaly.
    Honestly I think keeping Neretzes' Folly is fine but change all mention of Emperor Neretzes as Emperor Drosios. Most monarchs or state functions like monarchs are referred to by their first and or regal name which may or may not be chosen by them themselves.
  2. Spyware

    Inconsistent Naming Convention: Drosios Neretzes is called Emperor Neretzes but Arenicos Pethros is called Emperor Arenicos?

    So why does everyone call the rule of Emperor Drosios as Emperor Neretzes but not call Emperor Arenicos as Emperor Pethros? What, does saying Emperor Drosios sound like Emperor Drowsy and Emperor Pethros sound like Emperor Pet Rocks? Will this possibly be retconned or updated in the future?
  3. Spyware

    SP - General Marriage and Family Systems.

    Before they tackle this, they should really revamp the whole relationship system in my opinion. There should be individual outlook and family outlook that affects different aspects of the relationships.
  4. Spyware

    SP - General Reusing "lost" noble children of extinct clans as companions when they turn 18-30.

    Yeah, aye but we wanna kill the clan. I just want something like a Black Douglas scenario where a guy was dispossesed and now wants his family's **** back via being willing to serve another lord. Makes it feel alive and compelling, especially if the companion has a different dialogue option. Also would be kinda cool if all the companion's family members who did become wanderers rejoin as one big clan.
  5. Spyware

    SP - General Reusing "lost" noble children of extinct clans as companions when they turn 18-30.

    I would like something like Regencies and abdication, where incase it's the last adult familymember dies for AI and there are non-adult members in the clan, a regent companion is spawned. I mean, all famillies are having servant nobility who does see the opertunity to shine, don't they? :smile:
    would make it impossible to kill clans off via player agency, don't you think? If a regent automatically spawns, that means it has to be triggered everytime a clan has no more adults in them.
  6. Spyware

    SP - General Reusing "lost" noble children of extinct clans as companions when they turn 18-30.

    Bump cause come on man. A bunch of guys just die when they can fend for themselves after everyone in their family after 18 dies?
  7. Spyware

    Breakable pikes/lances!

    I like this realism, but at the same time, combat is wild and hectic with reinforcements coming in. Hopefully it isn't as frustrating in practice.
  8. Spyware

    SP - Battles & Sieges Shield Walls, Squares and Circles being more effective and realistic looking - Guard and Block Suggestions and Instructions for Unit Formations.

    I mean if this game is all about bashing people's skulls in, then yeah. The modders can do the rest. It really does depend on TaleWorlds' end vision of the game.
  9. Spyware

    Why were the siege battles fixed by a modder and not by TaleWorlds?

    That's exactly what a jank-pointing Nazi would say. That also probably plays modless vanilla Bannerlord to preserve the purity of the master build.
    Yavuz did nothing wrong.
  10. Spyware

    Why were the siege battles fixed by a modder and not by TaleWorlds?

    Well, it's not pretty good if it fails in sieges, isn't it? You are basically saying "their pathfinding decisions are pretty good except when they are not good, so it's fine overall, who even plays sieges lol".
    And the reason the modder artificially influenced their decision making is that he had no better options left as the pathfinding decisions are hardcoded.
    Anyone who has ever worked on a complex anything, not just modding, knows that that method is unsustainable. It is at best a stopgap, but cannot fill in its purpose in its entirety without causing more problems along the way in the grand scheme of things.

    I mean, has anyone actually looked at how it actually played? Did you see the incredible wonk and jank? Though the Siege AI in the native Bannerlord only used one ladder, it was far more smoother than this one. In fact, this kind of looks weird at times and somewhat broke immersion for me with some gaps between the troops that formed up and how they all mosh pit each other. Yes, in terms of gameplay this is miles better because you don't frustratingly lose your troops needlessly climbing up on siege towers, but this cannot simply be the final solution.

    You are not blaming the modder for Taleworlds' decision to hardcode pathfinding stuff and keep it in a broken state, are you?

    What specific line or quote ever give you that idea? Why can't I be understanding of both? If anything, I'm just repeating his thoughts, straight from his mouth and his own perspectives and views. Some people here seem to conveniently ignore the modder's own opinions or own words, in an effort to twist it for their own agenda or manipulative narrative.
  11. Spyware

    Why were the siege battles fixed by a modder and not by TaleWorlds?

    Indeed, so the alternative is having the AI run circles around the bottom of the towers until they get wiped out by arrow fire. Truly up to standards for a release.

    This is cognitive dissonance at its finest. TW have been doing what you said they shouldn't with just about every other aspect of the game, but I fear you won't acknowledge it since it goes against your statement.
    The pathing is used in general combat and I think that's pretty good. Just remember, even the modder said himself he had to use it in an unintended way to get it to work.
  12. Spyware

    Why were the siege battles fixed by a modder and not by TaleWorlds?

    Uh, I heard according to the modder that even he had to use the navmesh improperly, technically breaking the way sieges are conducted in order to let that happen which led to some pretty wonky results. I think that would definitely not be up to standards for release and since it wasn't used as intended, it might not work well with overall design as people would eventually just use it as a workaround.

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  13. Spyware

    SP - General Everyone's an idiot sometimes.

    Good luck ever catching bandits with that many men in your army.

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