Recent content by Snowarc

  1. SP - General Clans should have more control over their parties

    Right now extra parties in the clan are rather useless They do whatever they want They recruit whatever they want..remove soldiers you give them..recruit to much or to little and don't follow any uniform pattern I really want to have each party have a specialization and obey/keep the units i...
  2. Huge Problem Of Scripted Sieges

    Yeah I was trying to hide my men in an ally and let the attackers come to me. They wouldn't they just s it on the stairs waiting
    and then slowly one by one my men would get told to *push a ladder down* and lemoning there way to being killed. they wouldnt even defend/fight when being qued to do whatever they were told to do
  3. [BUG] Combatants not recognizing defenses

    The AI Honestly needs to be less sstupid
    I also wish I could hide my units in tree's for surprise attacks but...nope not the case...
  4. SP - World Map My thoughts on the Faction Snowball effect. Campaigns should go on forever!

    Main thing I noticed was sieges need to be better and very improved. am not sure how the AI sim battles work fully. but its kinda off-putting to me that all battles are merely simed yet they player and only the player can *fight for real* and sieges/castles and what not are barely used in their historic defense force multiplier that they should be.

    AI needs to like actually have a focus on strengthening all of its towns and beach heads make it be a game of CONTROL POINTS and points of interest then running each other down with blobs of men and winning 1-3 times in a row and knocking the enemy out of the match because they don't know how to garrison....

    and sadly even if you do a real castle defense fight..... Ai cant use castle even correctly.. not to mention their poor layout.
  5. This time last week we were all excited

    and yet people forget warband was in a bad state when IT CAME OUT.....give it time peeps they news that came with the release date for bannerlord stated *if you want the full experience wait until its out of EA*
  6. SP - General More Party/army Control

    More commands/weapon states
    Actual ability to set archers to skirmish (we dont have that command at all and I dont trust to deligate command to AI)
  7. SP - General More Party/army Control

    Right now we have the numbers besides the unit list that we can set I=Infantry II=range and so on We need more options even an idea to make our own filters with check boxes on behaviors for said group would be nice. Also to note THESE are not saved. They keep defaulting and it makes it hard to...
  8. SP - General Bring back Camps

    To add
    This could also make for a reason to find more ~field battles~ then running people down all the time and allow smaller armies to outmaneuver larger ones regardless of their speed.

    We would however need to have armies able to have *scout parties* attached so they can move around the main army and spot/huntdown/catch other armies for the main group to arrive.
  9. Wanted to try out a few mods but every mod crashes the game at load, any ideas?

    this isn't the spot to be posting this. ask on the nexus

    most likely an update broke the mod
  10. SP - General Civilian outfit should not need extra items

    Should weapons/items on your main outfit be usable with your civilian outfit you should not need to have another copy of it Same the other way around too. And it needs to be more clear when you are forced into civilian outfit and not. Sometimes am in my combat outfit but my companions are in...
  11. SP - General Bring back Camps

    I feel like traveling across the map is currently bland and you can go from one side to the next all in one sitting. Sure i guess rest/movement may be abstract so its more like a progress bar of time instead of actual movement.

    But I feel like *being forced marched* or what not should have draw backs

    Add a Fatigue system
    Said system would need parties to setup camp to rest/be in village or town
    If you go into battle not rested there would be negatives to performance and so on

    Am sure there a more detailed way but I found this concept worth a shot
  12. SP - General Horses need food

    I feel like Horses should need food that ones that sit in your inventory should require food. I know grazing is a thing, but there zero drawback of Just stockpiling horses kinda odd.
  13. SP - General Add penalty for retreating

    Having some sort of battle fatigue system that inst moral and actual resource system or ~something~ would help this

    I to am guilty of doing this

    I feel that 50 meter 50% to be killed is kinda harsh but.....shrugs a cohesion system/organization of the party to be ready for combat could spruce things up.

    Take Hearts of Iron 4's system for supplies/org
  14. SP - General Import Character into New Game

    Great idea
    Even if its not stats/gear/money

    IT would be handy for my characters LOOK to be imported. Dont want to fuss with the sliders all the time
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