Recent content by SirJoey

  1. SirJoey

    Patch Notes e1.0.8

    "Players can now hire mercenary factions to their own kingdoms via dialogue (using the same formula as above). "

    I thought we were unable to form our own kingdoms right now in the EA?
    It's possible but not advised because it can bug out and all the features aren't added yet.
  2. SirJoey

    Need More Info Loading a save in which you're in an army disbands the army

    Summary: I saved my game yesterday while I was in an army, then today when I load up the save it says the army has disbanded and everyone started going home. (Even though it just got assembled) How to Reproduce: Join an army, make a new save file, load the save and voila. Quest/Settlement Name...
  3. SirJoey

    31 March and 50 Bucks what do you think?

    People like new things, why do you think so many manufacturers 'renew' things but don't actually change a lot? Because new is better, that is just how the general people work and there is nothing wrong with that.

    NMS went from total failure to mediocre succes, past 30 days it had a peak of 10k players on steam. Would not call that an epic succes.

    This is copy pasta out of a fan boy book. Why is this not a standard EA game?
    Also what did TW do to be a trusted company?
    I'm not a fan of NMS but 10k players 4 years after release from a major failure doesn't sound very bad to me... At all.
  4. SirJoey

    What Empire Faction do you join?

    I am the Senate.
  5. SirJoey

    Skeleton at Bulugha Caste

    I'm sorry to comment on a 12 year old thread, but I'm pretty sure it's a Rasputin reference isn't it? First thing I thought at least.
    Let the dead stay stead also refers to threads
  6. SirJoey

    Dev Blog 17/01/20

    Damn I hope you guys have some plans for the future with all this updating to your website and your forums.
  7. SirJoey

    Dev Blog 26/09/19

    Will there be achievements for Bannerlord on release?
  8. SirJoey

    Dev Blog 02/05/19

    KhergitLancer99 said:
    I think the chance for 2019 release deteriorated greatly with this.

    If beta is going to happen after the 8th month of the year then even if they make it in the 9th month, 3 months are not enough to release the game.

    I mean why would they release it just 3 months after they give beta ?
    to be fair, the Division 2 open beta/close beta was just 1 or 2 months before the full release, so I don't think it means anything.
  9. SirJoey

    Multiplayer, private lobbies

    Do you think there is any chance of getting private lobbied multiplayer games in Bannerlord? Me and my friends have always wanted to fx. dual or play deathmatch just us, but obviously without paying for a server just to do it a few times. Especially with the upcoming captain game mode it would...
  10. SirJoey

    Dev Blog 11/10/18

    Terco_Viejo said:
    I will not be the one who distorts the work of modders; both past and future work and much less discredit the mod friendly work of Taleworlds has done and does. In different blogs like Modding in Bannerlord, Engine 1.4, etc... it has become clear that Taleworlds bets strongly on mods and their creators making their work easier than ever. What's more, they promised to provide information through a site and through video tutorials. Worthy of praise.

    The whole Community has blind faith in modders, but the game will come before mods. I don't want to generate controversy with my words, which should be interpreted as constructive criticism. Don't lynch me...
    There are still many important things to know about the game (cof advanced diplomacy cof) that Taleworlds seems to have forgotten by stretching the devblogs week after week behind the shield of the "final touches".
    I don't think there is any deeper meaning, I honestly think it's just because they know how much people like mods and modding.
  11. SirJoey

    Dev Blog 11/10/18

    What would you expect modders to do with the new UI engine thingy? Could you fx completely change the size, outline, background, icons, placement and such? Awesome blog again, can't wait for release!
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