Recent content by sanalaismine

  1. sanalaismine

    Will 1.4.3 breaks my character?

    I deselected the mods I use from the launcher and continued to play my old save, all was fine. No bugs, no crashes, no character braking. Maybe I was lucky, I don't know.
  2. sanalaismine

    My Clan Parties Are Not Generating Notable Relationships.

    I know what you mean but do you remember what the message was?

    Actually I don't remember any explicit messages but there was a notification in the news feed which says something like"you get x relationship and currently you have y".
  3. sanalaismine

    My Clan Parties Are Not Generating Notable Relationships.

    It felt like your companion party was doing some quests for the village notables and through this way you were gaining relationship with them. I remember it well. Just like you in 1.4.3 I didn't encounter this case. There was only a relation gain in your own villages due to high security. It's not related with companion parties.

    Please mods, can we get a clarification on the matter?
  4. sanalaismine

    almost no income from workshops and caravans

    You can just sell 2H sword if that’s what you’re after.

    I'm barely afloot by doing just that. A fledgling kingdom has many expenses.
  5. sanalaismine

    almost no income from workshops and caravans

    I deliberately went ahead and bought javelins from market a few times, just to smelt and possibly learn javelin shafts but no avail. I'm at 60 smithing.
  6. sanalaismine

    almost no income from workshops and caravans

    I'm in the negatives for so long. It's a loosing tug game especially until you have a fief. If you aim to find your own kingdom you need to field a sizeable force with additional companion parties to get a fief in the first place.

    I managed to snatch Pen Cannoc from dying Battania after so many times being broke and at 3rd siege attempt. One pottery workshop in there, one olive press in Jaculan. 120 garrison, 120 in bro's party, 75 in mine. I lose 500-1000 denars a day. My kingdom is like a failed kickstarter project.

    Edit: Which brings me the thought that right now the game is not calibrated towards PL kingdom. If you stay as a vassal, you'll be mostly fine.
  7. sanalaismine

    Cant play Bannerlord, cant go back to Warband

    Combat feels faaar better in BL. I tried to satitate my need for a complete medieval experience with warband VC and even if it's full with features, it couldn't cut it out. I don't mind dated graphics but after seeing combat reactions and sounds in BL, warband falls very short on that.
  8. sanalaismine

    Beta 1.4.3 - Snowballing worse than ever (better than ever after hotfix).

    I strongly suggest TW to download "diplomacy fixes" mod and test "war exhaustion" feature, "corruption" feature and "over extension" feature that the mod adds. You will either think that, that is how it should have been, or you would get some good ideas out of it. Those features pretty much block snowballing.

    Also, wars still don't make sense, factions are still waging wars against factions that are either so far away or factions that would help agains their bigger enemies as an ally. Do factions declare war others randomly? Why factions declare war when they are already struggling with one existing war? Will there be "claiming enemy fief" feature before the battle? I have great hopes in TW that they have some pretty ideas foroverworld diplomacy system.

    I strongly support this. It's a very reasonable system.

    Great avatar by the way! :smile:
  9. sanalaismine

    Next patch when.

    If only there isn't the times of sacrifice feast. Lambs are not happy, so the players.
  10. sanalaismine

    What is your dream-update list?

    1. Most of the quests I do, I can do from the other side of the coin.

    Extortion by Deserters? I can wrangle up some unsavory men, led by a rogue of some stripe, and have them 'tax' villages I don't own. Spy Among Us? I can send a companion into a town ahead of time to help me either slip inside or degrade their ability to resist a siege. Lord/Lady Needs a Tutor? I can send my kids off to learn from some of the finest killers, scouts, healers, merchants or engineers. Artisans Can't Sell their Products in X? That's because I set a policy to make myself money. Lord Need Horses? Train Troops? Need Help With Garrison? Go get me some horses.

    You get the idea.

    2. Enhance the mercenary aspect.

    Allow me to negotiate in more detail. I should be able to ask for an advance, for example, then haggle back and forth between money upfront and regular payouts numbers. If my party increases in size or the war begins to turn against the hiring faction? Renegotiate honorably for more money. Or simply extort the ruler (dishonorable) in exchange for not flipping sides. Special bonuses, bounties for taking lords prisoner, etc. Prohibitions in the contract -- "I will not fight Vlandia, no matter what" or "All prisoners are property of the faction, not the ransom broker" -- and similar things.

    3. As a lord, balancing between notables.

    We have town and village notables, artisans, merchants and gang leaders vs. headmen and landowners. Allow me, in a microsm of kingdom management, to be able to more directly influence their power compared to each other. Favoring the artisan gets me more productivity out of town. Favoring the merchants means more honorable recruits. Favoring the gang leaders gets me dishonorable recruits and underworld connections. Do I have policies that favor my villages, my castles or my towns? Each with pluses and minuses, constant tradeoffs, including favoring no one. Also allow me to use my influence to "buy them off" and keep everyone happy, but at the expense of not having as much control or power when looking outwards.

    I second this! These kind of cause and effect create engaging and lively game world.
  11. sanalaismine

    Suggestion: Hope you address this on the next patch

    XP sharing is ok but there are still no drills while waiting.
  12. sanalaismine

    Castles should have zone of control?

    I absolutely agree that castles have to have more incentives in strategical battle. Zone of control for example, is a very good idea. Right now castles have absolutely no purpose as opposed to historical events. Castles should be intimdating and must have a role in wars other than just being conquered. They have no advantage, no control whatsoever.

    I would love to see some change on this aspect and I support the OP on this matter.
  13. sanalaismine

    Bannerlord is mis-advertised by the devs on Steam (yes, even taking into account Early Access)

    Sell Bannerlord to a reputable company with experienced leaders.

    Wow! Excessive reaction once again. If they sell it, MB will most probably get ruined.

    Clearly your definition with enjoyable and playable is different than mine. Infact game has just as they say missing content like all EA games do. Other than that it's even highly enjoyable until you hit certain progression.
  14. sanalaismine

    Bannerlord is mis-advertised by the devs on Steam (yes, even taking into account Early Access)

    What annoys me is the extremely slow pace of development and integration of new features, that actually leaves me worried that the final game will be EA+main quest. I have stopped playing over two months ago thinking I would return and see a bunch of new content.
    Well, nothing happened.
    No idea where this game is headed. Will they fix the perks and call it finished? Will they actually add real diplomacy? Meaningful quests?

    What I am angry about is the potential danger that at the end of the road, the finished game will actually be less complete than what I imagined EA to be.

    You write your concerns in a very constructive way, thanks for that. But I played and loved lots of EA games. It's really the long haul, a long road. This game is the only child of TW so don't be very anxious about your worries. They are gonna develop this game as much as they can do and they recently getting bigger and better for this goal. If there is anything this pace of patches is not slow. It's actually more than ok for an EA game.

    Empyrion, factorio, satisfactory lots of good game in an EA state gets updated slowly but surely for a long time. So without worries, people only have to wait either playing and enjoying the game or just waiting it to be more beefy.
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