Recent content by Rojus

  1. Rojus

    [Event Series]Space Normans - 9th April 2017.

    Clan Name: Legio XII Fulminata
    Clan Thread(If any):
    Expected numbers: 10-20
    We have read and agreed with the rules: ita vero /yes
    We understand and accept to be on the same teamspeak with other clans provided by the hosters: ita vero /yes
    Preffered faction and group type(Stage 1, 2 and 3, note that if you select Engle, you'll be Engle for the whole event, probably): Fraction no matter , Infantry unit in all stages
    Leader Steam URL:
    Second Leader Steam URL:
    Anything else: We are from Rome at War so this mod will be completely new to us :razz:
  2. Rojus

    Rome at War XII Shieldbattles

    Legio XII small Shieldbattles At : (To fill as soon as I will know better how you would prefer) Slots limit is 40 :/ Rules Cav only one per team Skirmishers only one per team [/center] [/spoiler] If you want to sign up : Clan Name: Expected numbers: We have read and agreed with the...
  3. Rojus

    [Event Series]Space Romans - 2nd April 2017.

    Great Event!  :grin:  Ave Joub our great consvl! I hope for more such events

  4. Rojus

    [Event Series]Space Romans - 2nd April 2017.

    Clan Name:Legio XII Fulminata
    Clan Thread(If any):
    Expected numbers:15-20
    We have read and agreed with the rules:Yes
    We understand and accept to be on the same teamspeak with other clans provided by the hosters:Yes
    Preffered faction and group type:Rome Hastati/Princeps/Triarii/Vexalius/Centurio
    Leader Steam URL:
    Second Leader Steam URL:
    Anything else:
    Our Teamspeak :
  5. Rojus


    Very very nice!
  6. Rojus

    Legio XII Event

    Hello, I am writing to talk about today's event, starts in same hour to saturday shieldbattle It will be divided into 4 parts main rules are: you can not separate from your teams, you need to listen to the commander of your team, take only units you are told to 1'st map - siege of a...
  7. Rojus

    Rome at War: Media

    likes from XII Legio :grin: hope for more videos :razz:

    one of the shieldbattle on our part, sorry for the language but we are not English-speaking legio
  8. Rojus

    [research] republican Rome





  9. Rojus

    Weekly Sundays themes Deathmatch 17 GMT

    THEME FOR 26.06.2016

    Greek heroes

    Unit: Elite Hoplite

    Theme for 03.07.2016

    Celtic tribal fighting

    Unit: Light infantry / Light spearman / Heavy spearman / Heavy swordsman
  10. Rojus

    Weekly Sundays themes Deathmatch 17 GMT

    Weekly Sundays themes Deathmatch At 17:00 GMT every sunday Serwer: Legio XII Fulminata Rules: Just follow the theme Be kind Have fun
  11. Rojus

    Rome at War: Media

    what do you think about this ?
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