Recent content by Rockmael

  1. Bug Reports

    Every once in a while my dyeworks will automatically switch over to keeping their inventory. Everything will be fine then all of the sudden it will say, for example; "Veluca: -2930" on my weekly budget screen. I have dyeworks in every town and I have to go there and switch it back myself when it happens. Anyone else getting this bug?
  2. [S] A New Dawn

    Every once in a while my dyeworks will automatically switch over to keeping their inventory. Everything will be fine then all of the sudden it will say, for example; "Veluca: -2930" on my weekly budget screen. I have dyeworks in every town and I have to go there and switch it back myself when it happens. Anyone else getting this bug?
  3. Gekokujo: Bugs and Suggestions

    I found a pretty crippling bug at the moment. I've experimented and I'm fairly certain it isn't something I'm doing.

    When I'm the strategist and I start a campaign absolutely no one is coming.

    I am on 3.0.
    I have 700 renown, more than half the lords of my clan.
    My relation with the lords are 60-15 not counting Great Lord Hojo who is 97 (and even he doesn't come.)
    When other strategists start a campaign they seemingly have no problem.
    When I start one I have plenty of soldiers in my party. (Not sure if this even matters.)
    My controversy is 7. But I've tried at times when it is 0 with no avail.
    My honor is 58, my right to rule 99. (Again not sure if this matters.)
    I've waited days and weeks for lords to show up.

    Finally I got fed up and went around to several lords during a campaign; "May I ask you something?">"What are you and your men doing?"


    "I am acting independent because our strategist is currently indisposed."

    Every lord gives me this. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Please help!
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