Recent content by red mammoth

  1. red mammoth

    [UTILITY] facegen - A Facecode Generator/Randomizer for Warband

    Why is this hidden on Nexus? I was really interested in this.
  2. red mammoth

    Beta Patch 1.157 - Patch pre-release! Steam release on Wednesday.

    There's a pretty serious bug that causes major stuttering during battles, even fairly small ones, for some people. If you check the tech forum, you can find a lot of people who had been able to run the game very smoothly for a long time, but are now suffering from the issue. The solution seems to be to switch render method from DirectX9 to DirectX7. The cause seems to have something to do with new graphics drivers for ATI and NVidia. I'm just hoping that the devs are working on fixing this bug.
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