Recent content by Red Barron

  1. Tournament blocking not working

    If it is happening in the tournaments only, it could have something to do with the patch note about the shields being specifically weaker.
  2. The last Kingdom

    Yep, pick yourself up Viking Conquest for Warband to get your Last Kingdom M&B fix.
  3. Any possibility to fix worn/rusty/blabla weapons and armors in the future ?

    Those item modifiers were a part of Warband, and there was never a way to fix them in the vanilla game.

    I don't recall if a mod added that feature.
  4. Does AI use perks too ?

    That doesn't answer my question : is AI able to use this ?

    If it isnt broken, then it should be usable, assuming they use them in the proper role.

    For example, a perk that says "(party leader)" in the description shouldn't work when they are a member of your party. It should work if they are leading their own party.
  5. Does AI use perks too ?

    You should assume that of a perk is broken for you as a player, it is also broken for the NPC.

    I do believe disciplinarian is broken for example.
  6. Patch Notes e1.2.1 & Beta Hotfix

    In the early access statement prior to the game being on sale they promised to maintain save compatibility as best they can. Yes they said that wouldn't always be possible but they sure as hell didn't say you'd have to start a new game every week. If its not something they can do they shouldn't have said it.

    You can always revert back to a previous version via Steam. Directions on how to do this were posted earlier in this thread.

    To have an expectation to get to mid-late game in EA (depending on how many hours a day you play) seems pretty unreasonable.
  7. All thrust attacks should be couchable

    I don't know why you would want to walk a spear into someone rather than thrusting it into them. That doesn't make a lot of sense. The whole idea of couching on horseback is you are bracing the spear and using the horse's energy to deliver the blow. But you can't generate that kind of energy on foot so you add more by thrusting the spear into the opponent as you charge him and that's reflected in the speed

    What pro-couching on foot people are really talking is bracing the spear for impact on foot. Yes, walking it into someone isn't going to do much. What you are trying to accomplish is to get that huge mounted enemy to use all their momentum to skewer themselves into your long pointy stick.

    That is why I would restrict it to slow movement at the most (if not lock them in place with only the ability to turn). If the engine allows it, I'd let braced hits do no damage to very slow speeds (such as standard movement on foot).

    The point is not to walk/run your "couched" (ie braced) spear into your enemy. It is to use the momentum of the enemy against themselves.

    Charging into a wall of pikes should be a very deadly thing for mounted soldiers.

    So really we are talking about bracing, but mechanically it is pretty much couched lance in this game.
  8. All thrust attacks should be couchable

    Press x to couch, you are limited to walk speed at most (if not immobile), and damage done to someone running into it on foot does 1 max (assuming a hit can't just register 0 damage).

    Relative speed then ups the damage base some formula that factors in the weapon's thrusting damage.

    Sounds basically like a mounted lance in reverse to me. Very reasonable. +1 to that feature please.

    Edit: duck then couch to be immobile whilst presenting a smaller target.
  9. Tournament Rewards

    I just notice they have done this in the beta patch.

    I save before recruiting a companion and write a report on him and then load back. I do this with all available companions and then pick out my group. I have a perfection compulsion.

    Look in the encyclopedia at the start of your game (or whenever you want to pick up a companion). You'll get the same info faster, and be able to go straight to where your companion of choice is. Only thing they don't have is their price and specific perks.

    Better yet, go to the encyclopedia (press the "n" key for the English version). From there you can go look at all the characters and filter to wanders only. You can see all their stats and their last known location from there.

    Best YouTube tip I've seen so far.
  12. Footslogging VS Horseback

    Peasant tip: you can switch your inventory right before you go into battle (when the menu pops up for you to fight, retreat, surrender, etc.). So you can hoof it on foot on the campaign map to get endurance XP, bit jump on your horse pre-battle to slay from the saddle. Or vice versa.
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