Recent content by Proton675

  1. [Main Thread] Hearts of Oak ("The Corsicans") - NY volunteer militia regiment

    Trebor said:
    im interested in joining this clan to play pf. who should i talk to to?
    Hmm your a bit late
  2. Strange Bug [MAPPING][Solved]

    Ahh i get this sometimes on maps aswell alpha, I actually only found out about it on your map which you kindly let me finish off, it seems when i look, up or in a certain direction, it gets a blue fog type surrounding, not sure how to fix though  :smile:
  3. Getting into boats

    Pirate_Scurvey said:
    So you have to jump while pressing up? I'll try that, I only tried pressing the up arrow key without jumping.
    Or you can just go underneath the side of the boat and press the UP key which pulls you on
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