Recent content by poheniks

  1. In Progress General (C#) MBDebug renders & editor console text not working

    MBDebug.ShowError and MBDebug.ShowWarning are working on the 1.8.0 beta again, however, MBDebug.RenderDebug objects are still broken.

    I was able to build out UI using MBDebug.RenderDebug for my script components that are otherwise hard to use without render object visualization. This is on 1.7.1:

  2. In Progress General (C#) MBDebug renders & editor console text not working

    After the main branch was updated from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2, my implementations of TaleWorlds.Engine.MBDebug no longer work, specifically calls to RenderDebug objects (spheres, lines, 3d text, etc). My code compiles okay, and I can hit breakpoints but no shapes or 3D text actually render. This bug...
  3. Multiplayer mods can't be made until 2024 unless we find an alternative

    So is this going to remain as TW's official stance on why they won't be releasing custom servers?

    Well unless things change, i don't think they will, dedicated server files will be shared.

    The problem with yours was that it was getting a publicity of being "a better mp" and there are many people working on server side. They are obviously upset that you kind of steal all the credit. I mean issues are mostly design issues, there are many other people. Devs, artists etc. that did their job well but all gone to kind of waste due to those community server people advertising their changes as "better mp".

    Honestly, if I had the power, I would support those feedback but I also understand why people get upset because of the community server.
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