Recent content by pitrs

  1. pitrs

    SP Fantasy [WB] Game of Thrones - Official Thread

    Awesome work guys!!! With the Last Days best mod ever :wink:
  2. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    Thats awesome models there  :wink: great job!
  3. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    Thnx Kazzan, it would be pleasure for me, if u will add Amon Hen.  :wink:
  4. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    Kazzan, what about my Amon Hen map?,140446.0.html
    Maybe need some update but it should work :wink:
  5. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    uruk-hai sounds from LOTR cannot be copyrighted. It is just noise, just like grunting of pigs. Common people, you copyrighted everything. Soundtrack is another thing, but noises... It is so shame not have it in. But I know no one will convince you. You just dont want to.

    btw. some models in your mod is the same from movie (uruk shields and so on) - isnt that copyrighted too? (using your logic) it is not your own design. But you still use it. I'm just thinking.
  6. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    what about orc sounds? they sounds like man. Do u plan add sound uruk hai from the movie?
  7. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    Great work guys :smile: Cant wait!
  8. pitrs

    LOTR maps - Amon Hen NOW for DOWNLOAD!

    no, no Uruks. Read descriptions please.
  9. pitrs

    The Last Days v2.4 (for .808) ---Next Release Date Unknown!

    wow!  :eek: Just wow! Ok Minas Tirith is better than anything I ever seen before! Awesome work, guys, this shouldn't be free. Thats not right. We are so lucky its free because your work is priceless!  :grin: *happy*
  10. pitrs

    Lord of the Rings Mod (Official name still under consideration)

    faradon said:
    The mod Khazad-Dum is dead. The content of it is not.

    so what's next?  :wink:
  11. pitrs

    LOTR maps - Amon Hen NOW for DOWNLOAD!

    Guide is on the link. But can be apply only for Amon Hen. If you are little bit skilled u can pun all 3 maps in whatever mod u want.
    Scene props used in my maps are only from native.
  12. pitrs

    LOTR maps - Amon Hen NOW for DOWNLOAD!

    Yeah actually I know I forgot the statue because I didnt have any idea what kind of object should I put in. Theres no scene props like this statue  :sad:

    I'm glad you like it.  :wink: Thanks for your comment :smile:)
  13. pitrs

    LOTR maps - Amon Hen NOW for DOWNLOAD!

    Amon Hen Now for DOWNLOAD!  :grin:
  14. pitrs

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    wow i noticed big progress  :wink: cannot wait  :grin:
  15. pitrs

    MP Dark Ages [WB] Vikingr (Old thread)

    Horn is epic :smile: Wonder if TLD will use something similiar for Boromir : :wink:

    Awesome mod guys! It would be interesing to combine in some ways with cRPG, because most people play this mod.
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