Recent content by Paper_Salad

  1. Paper_Salad

    Forum Feedback and Suggestions (NOT Game Feedback)

    I like the look, though I agree an alternate lighter theme would be welcome.

    The mobile experience is leagues better than it used to be.
  2. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    Hey Willy,

    sorry for the uber late reply. Our group and servers don't really exist anymore. Not really any particular reason to it. I'll upload the files on the forum tomorrow though, so maybe some other people will take them up and make their own zombie server. Thanks for your enthusiasm.
  3. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    Actually, I've just checked and it's a time ban. You should be able to be back there by now.
  4. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    On our server being unreachable includes being somewhere that can easily be made unreachable, like sky forts. It seems it's more a misunderstanding than anything. Next time, before arguing with admins, try figuring what you might have done wrong. Our admins are only trusted members of our group and you should just listen when they tell you not to do something. Admins do make mistakes sometimes but it's not something you should be expecting. Also, arguing with admins serves absolutely no purpose but to annoy everyone else. If you want to debate rules, do it here.

    As for the rule, we might change the wording to make more understandable for some people, but the meaning of it never changed. Nobody is making up anything, ask anyone that's played on the server from the start. As for being bad admins, well, I don't think anyone of us cares. Admining is a chore, it has it's perks, but most times is just playing the recess supervisor at a kindergarten. Being called bad without real reason only means the kids are pissy today.

    As for the unban, give me your ID if you can or at least the date and time and I'll see about it.
  5. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    Can you give me a date and time and your username?
  6. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    You are unbanned. You might need to wait until the next server reset before you can join though.
  7. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    I understand. These kind of mistakes can and will happen, it is not easy running a server with the amount of people seemingly bent on breaking the rules. This is why we try not to perma-ban people unless they've repeatedly broke the rules. There's not much we can do to prevent this kind of issues, but we do give the possibility to appeal to our decisions and remove bans.
  8. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    Hey Troubadour, thanks for your concern.
    I've just checked the logs and the person who banned Andronom wasn't jamie, who is not and admin and only a merc and not a permanent member of the FH. He was banned because he was destroying fortifications built by a friendly sapper, Jello simply put the notifications in the wrong chat so you couldn't see it. After Jello left, the other players couldn't answer to your accusations and undertandably got annoyed by your insistance.

    Andronom was only temporarily banned so he should be able to rejoin as of now.
  9. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    Well, if jello decided not to unban you, there probably is a good reason.
    If you want to discuss unbans, pm me in the future.
  10. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    Thanks :smile:
  11. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    We added a bunch of features and balanced a couple of things, here's the changelog :

    • Added an Alpha Zombie (line militia), stronger/faster/more resistant than normal zombies
    • Normal zombies are now weaker at the start
    • Zombies partially ignore the slowness caused by water
    • Added bonuses:
      • Zombies get more health by dying
      • Zombies do more damage after each kill
      • Survivors reload faster after each kill
    • It is no longer possible to spam tnt. Only less than three tnt crates can be present on the map at any given time
    • Zombies spawn more frequently with bottles

    Feedback about the balance, gameplay or server in general would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Paper_Salad

    ~[FH]~ZOMBIES server

    *~[FH]~ZOMBIES                         updated 11/25/2014  Hey guys! With the popularity of the zombie mode for napoleonic wars, we (the FH) decided to put up a server dedicated to it. One major drawback Zombie servers usually face is the need for very strict and heavy moderation. To...
  13. Paper_Salad

    Looking For Creative and Artistic Photoshop People!

    A sort of big-bricked wall texture on the background fading to the sides could be nice (maybe?)
  14. Paper_Salad

    Playing "other" songs with the drums or flute

    Well of course. It only changes the music files on your computer. The neat thing is that for you, every time someone uses the drums to play that song, you'll hear the one you chose.
    The guy who made that video had most certainly changed his files too.
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