Recent content by Mutineer

  1. Prophecy of Pendor

    I real love Prophecy of Pendor, is there any equivalent for Banelord? Story was fun and implementation which did not introduce any creazy mechanic, just made better use of existent one's. This kind of ideas.
  2. Constantly losing honor

    Some quests, like starting the war leading to loss of honor.
  3. Heavy Infantry CKO : Thoughts and how to optimize it ?

    Kraken ridari work very well in sieges.
  4. [3.9] Let's talk about mercenaries!

    I Only want to add something. I manage to finish complain without hiring mercs a single time. I never really had any money for that. Instead, I had 10 persuasions and work on good relationships with martial, outstanding and good-natured lords from the start. I easily get 10 vassals very fast after creating a kingdom. I probably should hire a company to hold my cities, but I was broke.
    After my personal army hit 550 I did not need to be a marshal any longer. I give marshalship to good lord, give him some good troops and let them keep the opponent in bay when I take castles with just my personal army. And i did not get many gems did not have any noldors in an army, just unimproved knights and sergeants, adventures and high-level standard troops to bulk up.
    I was still loosing 100K/week just from my army and cities I hold, but with occasional lord capture, I did keep myself afloat.
  5. [3.9] Some random troop tests

    I think this test are missing the point. I look on many horse archers troops not as a cavalry, but a dual purpose unit. A unit that could do well in fields battle and at the same time been a reasonable archer unit in the siege and then when run out of arrows been a good melee unit. Adventures are probably the best example of this.
    That how I use them. I add them into my army when I expect to take castles, in addition to melee unis and pure archers. They give you the flexibility to perform well in both types of battle.

    They tend to be extremely expensive, so if I expect only to attack lords on the field, I use pure nonmissile cavalry in addition to a mixture of shield melee with polearm melee and some archers.

    So, test you did does not give enough information.

    Polearm melee does not perform well in sieges, so If I only expect to siege I use pure shield melee.
  6. Is unlocking the Arquebus for CKOs still tied to talking to a KO officer?

    You know that weapon is unknown in pendor? So, did you capture Barclay unique office and ask him for the secret of his weapon?
  7. Mercanary army got little too big

    One way I deal with them. When in war and they siege a castle, if the king did not initiate siege, they will not join the fight. So, they are isolated from the rest of there kingdom, so you can use your martial army to kill them separately.
  8. Is there any way to get my CKOs to use the Arquebus?

    I did not try, but if you capture Barclay hero, he will have the option to teach the secret of his weapon. I did not press this option as I had no interest in it, so I can not be 100% sore it is not his unique weapon.
  9. Anyone find reasonable way to make peace?

    Update, actually I think I stabilized. Someone suggest to the loose castle to get peace. Well, I did not intend, but I lose castle to feidvan and they offer peace. After me taking a few castles in Larian woods, empire offers peace. So, Not it is only D'shar.
  10. Anyone find reasonable way to make peace?

    I would like to update the situation and dismiss some assertions. Even before I created kingdom I had highest profit factories in all cities. I had all companion to a decent level with max possible for each training skill. What I did not have was money on hand, just before I spend 100K for Noldor horse. I dod not have any reserves. I probably should have waited, but my kingdom with my hep was becoming to powerful. The second mistake was the fact that I was to spread out. I was owning Laria (capital), Sarleon, Windholm and Castle near Feithwan capital. I just run out of troops trying to get vassals and defend spread out the kingdom.

    I used peace to accumulate about 150K before I noticed an opportunity to attack remains of Sarleon, which lost all his army. I occupied all his 4 remaining castles and Sarleon there no more. But now I am at war with Empire, Fierdsvain and D'Shar. They declare on me. That is N1,3 and 4 empires. I actually fight of Fierdsvain(N3) then Empire (N1) and now D'Shar declare. Will see will I be able to make peace. So far No one ever agree to peace in Pendor with me, I always had to accept one they initiated.
  11. Anyone find reasonable way to make peace?

    I just want to make an update. I lost all my fiefs except capital.
    Strength after Both kingdoms offers peace. I accepted. Now, How to accumulate money? Any ideas? BTW, they took the castle with my Koi, What will happen to it?
  12. Anyone find reasonable way to make peace?

    Ok. I got I was unready. I used my experience in classic, where my 3 walled keeps would be enough. to start a faction.

    Now, how to recover? I can not use advice from the first reply, as I have negative money. I can not hire anyone. Constant fighting let me keep afloat.
    My max army is 400. My Koi not ready, Not trained.

    Now I am losing some loyalty every week or so as I lose 3 fiefs so 3 lords without single fiefs.

    Can I some way to bring myself into the protection of some faction without losing all fiefs, or after making kingdom it is no longer available?
  13. Anyone find reasonable way to make peace?

    I revolted again my liege after he refused to give my hubby a fief. Before that I had a huge battle with the kingdom in war, weakening his army. So, I was using high tear troops to isolate his vassals and make them my vassals one by one. I took time, i have 10 vassals now. But I can not make...
  14. Mercenary Companies not aiding in siege

    My guess you fame is to low. BTW I believe if you have no fiefs it is better not to ask for one. Then your chance to get one is much better.
  15. The Arquebus

    I do not understand the discussion. I never had a gun dropped. Never had ammo dropped. The only gun I see in the game belong to Donavan and the only ammo is from the chest. Companions even do not have an option for ammo in automatic weapon load.

    How you can get more guns? Unless I am missing something.
    PS: I did fight against gun-wielding armies.
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