Recent content by Mollberg

  1. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    ColinBencroff said:
    Hey, amazing mod! but I have a problem when I'm enlisted. The payday is always at 23 March 1257, and I'm in April :S I don't know why, but I can't raise my rank or get the pay.
    Sorry my English, I'm Spanish, and I hope somebody can help me. (I have a friend and he has the same problem)
    Don't be sorry you're spanish  :wink: I have seen the same thing with the date but pay seem to come anyway after one week. And promotion as well after some time. Just be patient :roll:
  2. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    Spitfire84 said:
    Before you guys hang up your Spurs, please make these fixes:

    - Kuauik please revert the woman's faces to native as you said you would, 
    - Kuauik please add eyes to the new Great Helms that you added,
    - Please fix the floating [New] Rus Helmet,
    - Some Cuman and Kettle Helmets don't have market images, just blank slot with title, quality,and price, yet when picked and placed have image on character,
    - Eastern Infantry Helmet and Byzantine Helmet slot image are upside down,
    - Stely A) doesn't have arrows next to it B) in battles, the strely quiver is upside down and not attached to the archer, just floating next to him,
    - Please remove the big black block wall thing in the Croatian villages that is behind the hill on the right, it looks horrendous
    - Any chance for more varied Manor / Village layout and look like in pre - 0.97 before you hang it up? Why did they change, they looked amazing, now they are all clone villages.
    This my very favorite mod  :grin: so please fix the last few details.
    I totally agree with Spitfire84.
    Women faces are all alike  :???:, please change back to vanilla.
    and the rest as well.
  3. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    PerXX said:
    Mollberg said:
    What happened to the companions?

    This happened:,222045.0.html

    Companions are recruited from a fief now.

    Aha! Most interesting!
    Thanks for the quick reply :smile:
  4. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    Hi Dr Tomas!
    I've been playing this mod for quite some time now and it is constantly getting better and better.  :grin: I really like the realistic approach.
    However... in the last version 90 suddenly all the companions have disappeared?! I cant find any of them and even when i have sent for one via the tavern keeper they don't show! There is a message that "Joseph is waiting for you in Gdansk" but he is not there and when I go to the character list the name does not appear in the list at all.
    What happened to the companions?
  5. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    I think there are possible rebellion stories to be found for most of the kingdoms and states. I can think of a few for Sweden but also England.
  6. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    DrTomas said:
    Like a quest to help out starting you're own kingdom at the game. But more on that later.

    I like this!! :grin:
  7. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    hit888 said:
    my cavalry dosen't listen to me they just stand there only on field battles in siege and village battles they do but not on field ones can some one tell me y this hasn't happend before

    How do you give the orders? I have noticed problems with many orders in the minimap (the push-backspace-and-get-a-order menu-function). If you order your cav to follow, hold or charge using 3 and F1, F1/F2/F3 it usually works fine.

    Another problem with the ordering is I can't get my archers to hold fire. I want them to wait for better effect to the charging enemy but they keep sending their arrows flying at 200 meters distance  :roll:

    :?: @Dr Thomas: Is there any improvments in the ordering system coming up?
  8. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    Caeled said:
    Master Kenobi said:
    Would it be practicable to force the cavalry to attack automatically in a battle? It doesn't make sense at all when they hold the position. Heavy cavalry is most powerful if it rides directly into the enemy. (I know I repeat myself :razz:) Horse Archers do already attack self-acting so it should be possible to do this also with cavalry...

    Cav is used best if it charges after the enemy line is weakened up by archer fire already. And riding directly into an intact schiltrom would rend the charge quite useless. I wouldn't want my cav to attack without orders.

    Hear, hear!
  9. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    I think this mod is extremely good! It so much better than the native and most other mods. Really good realistic enviroments and .. I'm out of words. Also so nice to see the development and improvements between the revisions.

    Some feedback:
    1. I think you decreased the occurance of bandits in the last issue? A little to low bandit activity to my taste. In the early game you really need lot of easy prey.
    2. I think you should have more food items as loot from winning over bandits and armys too. Realistically food and horses was among the most important loot for any winning worrior.
    3. Do you have any plans for fixing the names of the women of Sweden? They still have original "native" names!
  10. Mollberg

    1.34 Release Date: Next Weekend

    :grin: Yes! I just love Brytenwalda, best ever!
  11. Mollberg

    The new Subversion.

    Ritter Dummbatz said:
    I don't think you can make it so that items despawn faster. I think it is part of the game to be able to pick up items. You can make dead corpses despawn faster though.
    That is a very usefull thing. Especially shields can become handy when your own is crushed, but also other weapons. What is the problem with weapons laying about?
  12. Mollberg

    Zero Trading Opportunities

    Iboltax said:
    I'm having a lot of success just buying spice from the south and sending caravans to the swedish cities. Sometimes it gives about 90k profit 40k at worst.

    However, question, I just bought a trade patent in one of the cities i buy spice from. But I have no idea what effect this appears I just lost 45k for no reason. Should I have bought the patent to the place I trade to? I thought a patent would allow me to get bigger caravans but I guess not.

    They really ought to have documented this stuff in the game notes.

    Definitely! I totally agree because this is really hard and tiering to learn by trial-and-error.

  13. Mollberg


    BlackAlpha said:
    Evil Cereal said:
    i haven't played WFaS for that long time, BUT, my favourite strategy in MaB's mods, when you have a lot of lancers and fighting against musketeers only was this: Shout "Stay where you are!" and charge the enemy alone. When you are around one third through the way shout "Charge!". Now the more dangerous part: ride your horse in front of the enemy and go behind them, but keep your distance. The idiots will turn around and shoot after you. As they have muskets, they will reload, but they wont finish it, because they will be killed by your lancers, that they did not see.  :grin:

    I find that waaaay to risky, since you can get killed with 1 or 2 hits. I usually stay behind my army, like a reponsible leader should do. After all, your army will fall into chaos without you, so you should do whatever you can to stay alive, for their sake.  :wink:

    Here's a nice tactic for defending fortresses (the ones in the south east, at least). Have an army of musketeers, leave the walls and line up your musketeers down in the courtyard. This way they will be able to turkey shoot the enemy as they come up the ladders. The ladders/entry-points will form fatal funnels, making it easier for your musketeers to shoot the enemies as they get on top of the wall. You should be positioned at one of the flanks to take out any enemies who make it down the walls.
    Why is this better than standing on top of the wall fireing down as they approach :?:
  14. Mollberg

    are the Siege Maps unbalanced ?

    Nexto said:
    well ignoring the bug where whole army gets stuck on the ladder, its always better to be the defender then attacker...

    It's still unbalanced in favor of the attacker ! compared to real combat. Planning for a succesful storming of a fort usually included outnumbering the defenders at least 2:1
  15. Mollberg


    Evil Cereal said:
    i haven't played WFaS for that long time, BUT, my favourite strategy in MaB's mods, when you have a lot of lancers and fighting against musketeers only was this: Shout "Stay where you are!" and charge the enemy alone. When you are around one third through the way shout "Charge!". Now the more dangerous part: ride your horse in front of the enemy and go behind them, but keep your distance. The idiots will turn around and shoot after you. As they have muskets, they will reload, but they wont finish it, because they will be killed by your lancers, that they did not see.  :grin:

    Well, that is a good tactic and you can also combine it with taking all you cav with you. If you jogg or ride sideways in front of archers and musketmen they always (almost) miss you! It's the going head-on that will get you shot.

    Personally I don't think this is a problem it's just taking M&B into the 17th century. Which was the intention of the developers!
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