Recent content by milty111

  1. milty111

    Business guide

    Thank you for responding so quickly  :lol:
    I haven't seen such an option to hire or do anything else. I have 2 businesses running so far but the master in the enterprise gives zero options. Am I doing something wrong?

    Just got the options...must have been a timing thing. I guess I didn't wait long enough.

  2. milty111

    Business guide

    Nice guide. I'm confused about something though...
    How to hire workers for my production business? After going through the training then making the quality item for the guild master then purchasing the business, when do I get options to hire and/or upgrade the business?
  3. milty111

    Pre-battle orders - need help please

    First thing, I love this mod. I'm trying to get pre-battle stuff to work but far no luck. I do the 3 steps: 1  Choose commander 2. Choose who will join 3. Plan I'm especially trying to get just me and my companions to attack the smaller groups, so let's say our 13 vs 30 or so. The problem I...
  4. milty111

    Perisno Mod Bug Reports

    Stuck in "Reports" screen. How to get out? Have to use Task Manager for now.

    still stuck...anyone else have this problem?
  5. milty111

    Bugs reporting thread

    Found the nurses and medic training...thanks
    Found Bizar Guild Master. Much appreciated.
  6. milty111

    Bugs reporting thread

    Thanks.  Followed the steps and no crashing now.

    Does the village epidemic feature work? Spent a full 7 days in one village and finally it went back to a menu with the same option to help cure the epidemic.

    Also, in Bizar I couldn't find the Guild Master after looking for 15 minutes but I did find 2 replications of myself.
    A few of the villages on that island offer me their specialty of being able to recruit 3 more of me LOL
  7. milty111

    Bugs reporting thread

    Yes, 64
  8. milty111

    Bugs reporting thread

    I use Windows 7. Set location 1 headquarters and then put bunch of velvet in then set location 2 headquarters. I think I talked to the caravan. In the mean time, I started a new character. Haven't tried the caravan yet but the game hasn't crashed. Will make a second save and give caravan another try.
  9. milty111

    Bugs reporting thread

    Greetings. Downloaded the newest version of this mod and the WSE and played for a couple days with no problems. Today I figured I'd try the caravans out so control-clicked to town far away and bough headquarters then went back to Ichamur(sp) and sent out a caravan. Game crashed shortly after that and have to restart game and again crash after a short while. This has happened 5 times in the last hour. The only thing I've done different from past couple of days is the caravan. Any ideas?
  10. milty111

    General Discussion

    Been learning smithing at Shariz while building a basic mine nearby. Originally the mine was supposed to be done on 17th of the month but when I checked on that day it had 7 days more to go. I checked again on 25th and now has 5 days to go so must be some glitch in the computations. Also, have 25 points in smithing but listed only as Companion level but when I go to actually smith, it says I'm Grandmaster. In the Smith's Guild I never got the message to spend 3000 to attain Master level. Wish I knew Python so I'd be useful.
  11. milty111

    General Discussion

    Sounds like a plan. Thanks

    Anything in particular that I can test for you?
  12. milty111

    General Discussion

    I have a vassal who is headed from Curaw to Zintar to oversee my wedding. Problem is that he keeps pathing into riverbanks and mountains and getting stuck. I managed to use the cheat of going to a friendly location which worked somewhat but he keeps getting stuck again and again. I've tried the "follow me" cheat but his mission of getting to Zintar for the wedding seems to override. Any suggestions?

    On another note, Turin is screwed up much like the Naval Academy I mentioned previously.
  13. milty111

    General Discussion

    I have a companion named Ostanes who has lev 10 in each of the 3 healing skills. I just noticed that his skills don't show in the party skills list.
  14. milty111

    General Discussion

    I think that this will be one of the best mods and that you guys are doing an awesome job  :grin:
  15. milty111

    General Discussion

    Just curious... I noticed that in the Black Khergit cities that the only place with a Bar keep in the Tavern in Turin. Is that by design?
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