Recent content by Mein

  1. Mein

    Racism, Homophobia and anti semitism 59th Jailbreak server

    I'm Not sure why this one person has brought up about 59th jailbreak being so called Racist and Homophobic, maybe he got banned maybe he just hates the server and wants the attention. but as a long time player I just want to say a couple of things.

    The server and the people that run it are not racists people at all. They allow this because they are allowing people to have freedom of speech which seems to be a bit hard around mount & blade. also most of Napoleonic server do also let you have freedom of speech and yes there are some server that enforce the racism and ant Semitism which would possible be a good idea for you to join if you can not handle what is being said on server like Jailbreak.

    I don't see how some edgy kids / teens are affecting the way you play on the server and the way the server is ran, you can't straight out point at the people who run the server that they are all racists and homophobic. That's just silly and stupid. Napoleonic wars also has a function called mute which never guess it mutes people you don't want to listen to or here from which I advise you do.

    I'm not sure what made you come to think that the server it's self is racists and homophobic just because some edgy people want to express themselves.

    Your also new to Jailbreak and I'm not sure that you quite understand what the server is about and what they do inside the server, Rather than bashing it why don't you just play it for a little more and start to understand it.
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