Recent content by Madeloc

  1. Madeloc

    Reinforcements waves

    Is unfortunately as bad as it has always been. Playing without any mod (so no alteration of the game) and still if you have to advance a lot you will have your incoming or back troops that might be taken in the middle of full ennemy reinforcement wave.... the game still sucks, that's why I had...
  2. Madeloc

    What would be an ideal "Bannerlord" for you?

    Not the current piece of s****
    - melee combat
    - huge battles
    - stupid AI (for example AI is against reasonable peace, against reasonable policies that help loyalty, the AI ALWAYS goes in the opposite player’s direction; so if it’s the only way they found to make the game longer…. Too bad), defeat should open other options rather than a punishment of rebuilding army, which is far too long during a war.
    They don’t have played their own game, else, they would know… lol
  3. Madeloc

    Does Taleworlds really think this is a finished product???

    I can't even play it anymore.

    They are seriously destroying every last micron of faith and goodwill I had towards them.
    Without mods like bannerkings or fourberie, game is not worth more than 2 hours playing. There’s much missing but this is probably more a fiancial matter fact than releasing a decent game matter…
  4. Madeloc

    Post Launch, which Kinds of Mods Will Be the Most Important to You?

    Well then your experience of Bannerlord will always be .... "Wide as ocean , deep as a puddle" ... to quote your signature. :xf-wink:
    Just coming out from a 3000 vs 3000 battle, with two crashes at the end of the battle, when you speak to defeated lords.
    As usually, pop ups allowing more useless/unjustified casualties, the mind from which came that idea of spawning reinforcements is very sick. That's a common non sense.

    So, that piece of s*** just needs mods provided how trinkered is the base game lol

    BannerKings and Fourberie are excellent. Cause the base game is tasteless, pointless without any more substance, more content. That was ok for Warband (which I think is still better than BL) because the concept was new, but for a second opus, some new features are required. Else just rework Warband's graphics and release it... heh
  5. Madeloc

    About executions and AI

    One of the worst AI programming features in terms of raiding is how the enemy faction will essentially raid their OWN villages minutes after you captured the local fief. So they care NIL for their own people/serfs, or at least are programmed to care NIL for their own people. I would understand if it happened after you settled in, or during the next fracas, but IMMEDIATELY?? Village lives don't matter clearly.
    They also raid villages while armies besiege the towns/castles, meaning that when they get the town/castle, most of their villages are ruined… rather than helping besieging and leaving villages intact to have their supplies once the town/castle is taken… lol
  6. Madeloc

    Huge battles are still chores

    RTS Camera and Command Mods improves them a lot, but some of the maps are still just too small for maneuvering such large forces. I think TW should consider down sizing the max forces that will be fighting to fit on the maps better and of course ad an actual consequence to the looser of a huge battle, but that's another topic.
    Yes, like most of the villages, really too small for large battles.
  7. Madeloc

    Battle death chance should be 5% for the battles that the player is taking part in

    If a lord gets lanced in the face, he should just die,
    Yes, clearly.
    A few version ago it seemed more easy to kill a lord in battle. Now they resist a couch lance in the head.
  8. Madeloc

    The Ruler of a faction should have the option of taking a fief for themselves during the vote for ownership, even if they are not 1 of the 3 options

    Clearly the current system of fief allocation is pointless, useless and annoying.

    EDIT : because it does not allow a fair/logical allocation of the fiefs. Such as : giving a fief to lords who none or few. Ideally I try to have each clan of the kingdom owning a town, or give them fiefs not too far one from the other, such things.
    For that the ruler needs to have the full decision power.
  9. Madeloc

    What's up with autoresolve?

    Auto calculation is a fail and a pain
  10. Madeloc

    Glitch to get female companions

    Ah, so that's how you reliably get access to their inventories. Good find. I knew about getting them as companions but could never find a reliable way to get into their inventories. Well done.
  11. Madeloc

    Main character infantry perks not working????

    I noticed that too compared to infantry captain skills, notably about movement speed perks.

    Skilled exactly as my usual infantry captains, I found that the foot soldiers weren’t as fast with me as with a companion, if I was the captain.
  12. Madeloc

    Ballista focusing on the player completely

    Okay so it seems they gang up on me while I am a captain. Otherwise they don't really care even if I roam around in the front without any cover.
    I think the fact you are captain might be the best reason. I have never experienced being a main target of a ballista during a siege.
  13. Madeloc

    Where are my Sword Sister's at?

    I know there are still Sword Sisters in Bannerlord, but I can't find any. I can't find any recruitable "Peasant Woman" or female "Refugee" NPC's either. (In Bannerlord I can't remember seeing any refugees at all for that matter. Man, Warband covered every base.)

    We need Sword Sisters back! I am not even sure what kind of troop tree Sword Sisters have, but this time around they should be properly upgradable to troops with different abilities. For example, when you upgrade a Camp Defender, you should have two options:

    1. Sword Sister - Two handed sword and Spear.

    2. War Maiden - One handed sword with shield and a long bow.

    This can be expanded a bit more to include horses and whatnot.
    Mod is « bandit variety »
  14. Madeloc

    Quick Feedback on Campaign Quest (to fall onto deaf ears)

    From my understanding, the entire questline mechanics improved up until the first 2/3 objective is reached. After that it's a hell broken loose with a insane FFA Zerg Rush where whomever zergs faster wins. The problem with that is that the time-limit for the minor quests before the 2/3 objective's reached can utterly destroy your efforts to recruit more clans and build up viable companion vassals. So the quest will basically force you into permanent war before you even get a chance of properly stabilizing your realm.

    From the birth & death, the campaign's excrutiantingly bad in that regard because apparently we need to have our family members in party with spouses + sit in towns doing absolutely **** to get a ever lowering chance on them having kids. For the PC that's somewhat okay, but for the others this requirement is a deadbeat hinderance that will eventually culminate into family members having no kids. The feature's also virtually useless unless you hope to curb the number of enemies overtime through RNG battle deaths, other than that the Campaign's "rushed" nautre quest doesn't allow for a long enough time-frame for your kin to grow. Your own kids / brothers' kids won't even reach adulthood until you are far into the final stages of the quest even if you rush marriages, making the mechanics revolving around the kids quite useless (except for brother and sister)

    It's also hard to deal with vassal bordergore considering that the most fiefs any vassal should hold at any given time for optimal management from the AI + optimal stability's a town with neighboring 2 castles at most for each (and that if their Clan Tier's at least 5, otherwise they won't have enough parties to even patrol their lands, nor enough Clan members for governors). If you don't force yourself into ownership of everything you're going to be shoehorned with bordergore arbitrary votes that will ultimately destroy the new owner clan's efficiency for both campaigning and managing fiefs. Which leads to:

    Need of Trading 300 perk so you can re-shuffle lands properly if there aren't enough vassals in the realm - but that also means you'll often be forced 10~ million denars if the settlement they've "stolen" is prosperous. The issue with that is if you don't grind 50+m prior to starting the conquest quest phase, you won't have enough to deal with that, and there are only 2 ways of doing so, one of which involve exploits because nothing in the game's truly profitable unless you game the game, except for Smithing, which translates into countless wasted focus pts on both PC and Companions to make it viable to grind for parts (+ more years and years of grind on top of trading - can be done simultaneously to less effect on both, and IF, and only IF, you're lucky with smithing orders + if you're using debug mode/cheat mode to prevent game breaking bugs, you'll clutter both your save-file and your inventory screen with countless identical crafted items, making the save file gigantic overtime and opening the possibility of it getting corrupted the more you craft).

    So far, Birth & Death seems non-viable for Campaign story meta, Trade 300 is a must which means you're already locked-out of 5 focus pts and into a massive grind for many in-game years. Both of those on top of reaching clan Tier 4 and capturing a fief + dealing with the unnatural quest's time limits.

    Okay, past that point, you'll probably need companions nominated as vassals, but that brings another level of nonsense into the equation: Often, too often, vassal companions will switch gear to nonsense cultural trash in the most retarded ways possible, IE: Horse Archer built Khuzait will ditch the bow to grab a 1 handed sword - Sturgian foot archer build will grab a horse even though the idiot doesn't have the perk for any bows on horseback while keeping his Longbow. That means the game basically generates useless army units for fielded battles, and destroys these companions previous usefulness as captains and as effective troops for getting kills. That should be fixed by allowing players to fiddle with companions loadouts without allowing the players to take the gear from them, or by simply removing "gear downgrade upgrade" on nomination. Totally do-able, unlikely to happen.

    Still on vassal companions: You'll be dependant on pure RNG to even roll companions that can be built into decent vassal roles (their skill levels, attribute pts and focus pts auto-distributions are utter garbage compared to any noble in-game, that means most companions can't make for even a viable vassal because they lack average skills to lead parties and/or govern settlements). We can still shoehorn them into such "roles" by naming them, but they'll be utter crap at everything a noble's supposed to do.

    Now, onto the later phases of the Campaign quest, the game becomes a clusterfk of bat**** nonsense, AI vassals, even if you outnumber the opposing realms, will fail at even reaching targets with armies before they dismantle. Their decision making will go crazy and they won't be able to siege nor defend sieges because they don't calculate distance + travel time at all, they just try to reach sieges that'll take them 10 days to reach. They'll also often try to siege with too small armies and be destroyed by defending armies with ease. That means the player has to manually do everything, and lack of control over what vassals do means you'll be soloing the entire thing most of the time unless you get lucky at AI decision rolls (which have a diminishing chance to happen the more wars are active at the same time)

    Finally, "Kingdom Tactics" and nothing are virtually the same, they seem to only work to encourage AI to raid if on offensive, other than that Defensive & Balanced both do nothing (armies will still rush to take settlements, ignore raids, ignore sieges, etc). Since we can't suggest actions in any way to AI parties, that means you'll be just as overwhelmed as if you were running a kingdom solo. Again, the main reson for all of this BS is the lock on 3 wars at the same time ad minimum (because if you were at war with a kingdom not involved with the conspiracy, you will get locked into that war too)

    So, as I've "suggested" 500 million times before, this game can't be any good if the features don't synergize with each-other. Players need more control, AI has too much autonomy and too little quality to be even acceptable to be the way it is currently.
    More control = change vassal gear loadout; have ways of recruiting companions that didn't spawn or have static companion hoster; suggest AI actions directly, not through some arbitrary button in Kingdom UI that doesn't work; nominate who gets to compete for a fief's voting process; remove "in-party" requirement for pregnancy; have more ways of making significant amounts of gold in-game with all money-making mechanics being viable for it; extent Campaign Quest time-frame so it makes more sense and feels less as a constant rush; expand main quest's time limits to make those at bare minimum viable to complete without cheating or getting lucky; give player control over who gets bethroad or not on marriage proposals (Clans will always force old infertile women who are single over the young ones, that should be selectable).

    Well, from this theme, I think that's about it. Thanks for not listening TW, peace!
    You understood the whole thing. I managed to read till the end, lol.
    That game is based on good ideas but realization is tinkering, not more. Deceiving. Stupid. No common sense.
  15. Madeloc

    Game super unstable after patch 1.8?

    Yeah, crashes for no reason - it seems - not repeatable - looks like a random ****, the previous post is quite the answer.
    Still we swim in a tinkered program, can ask oneself if they ever tested anything… sad for « professionals »… 😉
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