Recent content by M.HUnter[GR]

  1. M.HUnter[GR]

    SP Fantasy Struggle for Bermia

    Well firts of all..Great work there mate..I have played hundred of mods and this is the most enjoyable by far because it is well balanced in all categories...
    Now,i have a problem with this mod.. I get this more often at the area of 'Principality of Rosa-Faventia' when i join a battle the game crashes and i cant play at all..The battle size i use is 100 and game perfomance at options is 98%..My visual memory is 3602 mb and i have a 3gb ram..(visual memory limit is 4602)..
    Please help me cause this mod is great and i cant enjoy it!!
  2. M.HUnter[GR]

    Hiding Behind a Pavise Shield.

    I totally agree with this idea and i think its perfect.And a different vesrion could be that crossbowmen carry the huge shiled on their back and when they fire,they automatically stand still and turn around with their back to the enemy to reload and then they fire normally.Of course the shields on the back should protect totally and act like normal shileds and not say(shiled hit on back!).Took the idea from medeieval 2 total war.Its a little more complicated but its just a different vesrion.Its not that historically accurate but hey this is mount&blade nothing is historically accurate  :cool:

    Sorry for my bad English!  :shock:  Here are some picures..(dont know how to insert them so i sent the adress),r:30,s:0,r:6,s:31&biw=1419&bih=682,r:20,s:115&tx=58&ty=46
  3. M.HUnter[GR]

    Mount & Blade on PSP?

    Guys,does anyone of you know if taleworlds release mount & blade on psp??
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