Recent content by Lyka

  1. I am back (again-again).

    I still like you bud
  2. Native Completed NA 2v2 Tournament

    Team name: Zozzlers
    Players: Lyka, Sipeone
    Steam contact:
    TaleWorlds contact: Lyka
    Faction desired: Nords
    EU/NA: NA
  3. [UNAC S6] Free agents

    Steam name:
    In-game name: Lyka
    NA or EU: NA
    Taleworlds: Lyka
    Primary Class: Cav
  4. 2016 NA Dueling Tournament (Canceled)

    Name: Lyka
    Contact: Steam/Taleworlds: Lyka
  5. Native Completed [NA] Sword & Bored Duel Tournament l CONGRATS OODLE

    In-game name: Odo_Ragnarsdottir
    Steam contact: Unable to post link due to forum error message, but steam name is 'Canuckistanian Child Soldier'
    Faction desired: Nord
    EU/NA: NA
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