Recent content by laphiel

  1. General discussion

    Good to know about 1, 2,3, 4 and CTRL-x.

    The news system is about 5 steps behid i relation to old one though.  its hard to place troops in right place ( use the terrain), no ability to set formation ( 1 line, 2 lines, etc) no finetuned movement ( 10 paces forward, etc) and most important for musket armed troops: HOLD FIRE. in WFnS it was most important tool to win engagement, wait for right moment and fire salvo and optimal range.

    Big minus on my side.

    On other comments, as much as i like he naval combat, i dislike fact about no control over ships guns. even simple hold space long for high shot, tap for shirt range, would be better.
  2. General discussion

    anyone have a manual?

    I am trying to crack the battle command system ,and hit a wall. I know how to move or attack but anything more ( increase line, hold fire, fire, move 10 paces, cant find it:/
  3. Extremely annoying bug

    have very similar one, i am geting Towns woman taliing to herself all the timei m travielling ( error says no trigger)
  4. Rescue a Lord...

    yes. but think is. i can just kill the guard and get in, leaving me witrh half the kiling, i thought, that if i mop up first, there will be less to kill when i get out, ( 40 seconds later) everyone was respawned.. somehow weird feeling
  5. Prison Break quests:Can't get the keys to drop

    well the keys are 'autodrop" just kill the guard and go inside and talk to lord he will have different dialogue
  6. {Warband} Too long peace, your own faction , becoming king . triple question.

    as he said. look for mision tstarting with  "the peace with XXXXXXXX ill suits me..."
  7. Why did the old melee animations have to go?

    its still more off "dismount and dont use blade" now>_>
  8. Rescue a Lord...

    I did one rescue lord mision, tho i told him to stay behind ( as he said he is week and malnutsrished ) he said ok ,i ll stay behind you, and than charged head on agains 10 enemies.... alsoi tried 2 tactics  1st one was kill guard relase than break free, tricky cos lord charges ... than i said to me: why i dont kill them guards firs? so i killed prison guards than proceeded to kill the watch on the wall... got in relased the prisoner... and the watch respawned...
  9. Why did the old melee animations have to go?

    my problem is the in MnB i had no problems with timing, now to hit footman from horse you need to release mouse half an hour earlier. i find it annoying...
  10. GAME KILLER! for me at least

    i am likeing new system, but as it was added lots of weapons lost ability to couch ( including my favourite glaive, which also lost ability to side slash X_X)
  11. [SoT] Bug Reports & List of Bugs

    started new game, selected father origin aw Warrior.. and started nekid.
  12. Star Wars Conquest Mod for M&B 1.x and M&B Warband

    i have steam version, so i tried the other ironlauncher workarounds ( notably copying data folder) but ingame fonts are very gibberish for me and i cant really read anything

    got it:

    Copied, and renamed copy to fixed problem
  13. [NEW VERSION OF IRON LAUNCHER IS OUT] About the iron launchers "super-bug"...

    any way to add option to manualy input path to ironlauncher

    ( i use steam version, and that clever soft you linked is too clever for me and i cant find anything about M&B in mu blob file<_< )
  14. The Enlightening Walkthrough

    shame, i realy dislike axes <_<
  15. The Bugs and Glitch Thread

    i meet gutts rear godo, attacked an retrated, and game crashed >_>
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