Recent content by kwbudirt

  1. kwbudirt

    Town Relation

    Yes possible, but not very easy.
    I know this is a very old post but this seems most appropriate place for my question/comment. I am playing a Christian character currently a vassal of Alban. I have been playing 900+ days. More than 700 days ago the King of Alban awarded me the fief of Dun Baitte which is unfortunately a pagan castle. I set about trying to improve my relationship with the Reeves by lowering taxes and retrieving his musical instruments, stone, killing thieves, making deliveries, blah blah yada yada. I also held a number of symbels and got my relationship up to 90+ I then built a Christian church absorbed the 25 relation hitt then did more deliveries, thieves, stone, salt, blah blah yada yada.. When I started this process the community was "Christians are not welcome here" and now more than 700 days later and uncounted penigas, the community is still "Christians are not welcome here" I have scoured the forums for tips or clues. I've also scanned the game source file since they were released and cannot find any event, trigger, or script that seems to do anything about converting a fief's religion. So I thought I would throw myself on the generosity and mercy of any kindly developer for some guidance on just what or how I can stop this continue a relationship drain. Thank you in advance.
  2. kwbudirt

    Quick Questions - Quick Answers Thread

    two questions:
    what happened to the morale boost for having 30 women in party?
    Why does the prosperity pop from castle breweries scroll by in the log but smithy's never do?
    I can find neither Smithy or women boosts in btw...
  3. kwbudirt

    Modding VC: basic tutorials and Q&A thread

    Thanks. I red that tutorial thoroughly but it's focus is on general background music applied as a "tweak." I'm trying to work through the module files.
  4. kwbudirt

    Modding VC: basic tutorials and Q&A thread

    Hello again,
    I could really use some help inserting a music track. I would like to play a piece of medieval feast music I found. When I select the option on the town/castle menu of throwing a symbel for my men, I want the music to play.

    Here's what I've done but it has not worked.

    1. I added the .wav audio clip titled feast.wav to the module's music folder.
    2. Inserted the following line in the file:
    ####banquete moral mead chief
        "Order your men to leave their weapons outside and invite them to your Great Hall, to sit at your table by rank. The nearest and dearest sit close to you.^" +
        "Some girls serve meat and mead in large quantities. You've spent a lot of money on this feast because your men deserve it.^" +
        "They are the ones who bleed with you, who have helped you conquer your domains. They are your faithful followers.^" +
        "The evening progresses. Many men, drunk as vats, shout and sing. Some run off to vomit and others are fighting like gamecocks for the attention of a girl.^" +
        "Behind you, a bard sings of your power and deeds. You act like a lord. You are a lord, a 'shepherd of men.'",
          (set_background_mesh, "mesh_festin"),
      (play_track, "track_new_symbel", 1),
          ("banquete_ok",[],"You drink, laugh and shout as they come.",

    3. Inserted this line in the file:
    ("morrigan_song", "ballad_of_a_hero.wav", mtf_module_track|mtf_persist_until_finished, 0),

    #Bud's lively music
      ("new_symbel", "feast.wav", mtf_module_track, 0),

    The build_module.bat completely ran with no errors.

    I verified that the music.txt file contains this line:

    ballad_of_a_hero.wav 268435712 268435712
    feast.wav 268435456 268435456
    battle_ambient_1.wav 301989888 301989888
    battle_ambient_2.wav 301989888 301989888
    So please help because I am stumped. Thanks very much.
  5. kwbudirt

    Modding VC: basic tutorials and Q&A thread

    HI. Hope someone can help me. I am trying to add voiced dialog to my character's wife. I have searched every combination of key words of which I can think and nothing doing. Is it possible to add sounds to dialog? Can someone post a link to a guide or give the steps. Thanks very much.

    Edit: I have studied the dog dialogs as that is probably the way to go but can't figure out: $player_dog_agent_no
      [anyone|plyr, "dog_talk_2",[],"Go, {s1}, go!", "close_window",[(assign, "$dog_order", 0),(agent_play_sound, "$player_dog_agent_no", "snd_dog_bark"),]],

    a search of the source files listed "player_dog_agent_no" only occurs in variables.txt

    knowing that. I:
    1. placed my wifehello.wav file in  VC modded Sounds folder
    2. placed wife_hello in variables.txt
    3. added    ("wife_hello", sf_vol_12|sf_priority_5|sf_stream_from_hd,["wife_hello.wav"]), after the last line but above the final ] of
    4. Changed this line in the spouse_talk section of

        "Yes, my husband?", "spouse_talk",[

        "Hello, {playername}?", "spouse_talk",[ (agent_play_sound, "$wife_hello", "wife_hello"),

    got two errors in
    unrecognized tag in object: wife_hello
    illegal identifier wife_hello

    any suggestions?
    thanks a million.
    EDIT 2:
    Thanks Motomataru!! that did the trick. Voiced dialog really adds to immersion. Now to give some other npc companions some things to speak by adding sounds,
  6. kwbudirt

    [Read 1st post] Viking Conquest RE: Issues

    I need some help with version 2.025.
    I am playing in sandbox mode and I am 115 days in. my renown as 505. My reputation is 45. I'm a vassal in the kingdom of Alban. I am a Christian. My problem is this I am unable to secure permission to court Coluim and I do not understand why. She is Christian. Her father is Christian. We are all in the kingdom of Alban. My relationship with the father is 65. I have not visited Coluim without her father's permission. When I ask her father for permission I get the customary "we usually seal such alliances with marriage and in fact…" When I click the dialog flips to my character saying "never mind" and then the dialog closes. This is not the first time I have played this game but it's the first time that I've run into this problem. Does anyone have any ideas?

    EDIT: nvm it sorted itself out. works fine
  7. kwbudirt

    Incorrect King support complaining v 2.025

    I am reporting the following bug for 2.025: I sent Helgi (trp_npc13) on his king support mission while Ceawlin (trp_npc10) was in my party. This event triggered Ceawlin to complain but he complained about Agathinos (trp_npc15) being sent. However, Agathinos was not on mission nor was he in...
  8. kwbudirt

    Modding VC: basic tutorials and Q&A thread

    fantastic!!!! thx very much
  9. kwbudirt

    Modding VC: basic tutorials and Q&A thread

    Hi. Been away from the game for quite some time but have returned and am pleased to see that the module system is available for download from the taleworlds site. I have been trying to download the module system for two days and the server keeps timing out. Can anyone help me obtain the Viking conquest module system? Thank you for your help.
  10. kwbudirt

    Help With Kingdom Management? (and other stuff)

    Kryser said:
    1.) you have to send a "noble" companion with persuasion, like Clovis, Bodo, or Morgant.

    Is this the only way to get recognized as a king??
    If so, I'm screwed because I made all three of these vassals.
    According to kalarhan on another thread being recognized as king is a pre-requisite to form an alliance.,339155.0.html
    I have searched "right to rule" , "recognition" , "recognize as king" , " RTR" Can someone who actually knows please list out the actual codified requirements for being recognized as a king in Viking Conquest RE 2.012 or provide a link where the info has been posted? Thx
  11. kwbudirt

    How to form an alliance?

    a) no
    b) wrong
    c) also wrong

    alliances are a good way to fight in a war. Just ask your enemies when you are being attacked by 5 kingdoms at the same time  :razz:

    I am finally a king and, indeed, the minister does have an option to send a message, On that menu there is a diplomatic option to "suggest an alliance." Have not been allowed to send the message until my relation with kingdom I want to ally with is above 30. Now that i finally crawled there I get to send a message at a cost of 4,000+ penningas each. WOOT! WOOT!
    The reply from the king to my message was [paraphrase: I'm busy and won't discuss this with lowly messenger.] When I go talk to him there's no dialogue option for an alliance. My minister (wife) has no dialogue option. There's no emissary option. my vassals have no option. My marshall has no option. soooo, just who HAS the option??

    Relation with other king 91
    Rel with other kingdom 35
    my RTR 96
    Renown 1500+
    Lvl 29
    Cha 16
    persuasion 8
    I have 7 vassals
    I'm  Christian He's Christian
    rel with Christians is 96

  12. kwbudirt

    Script Error on opcode 520 Invalid troop id 2400

    while waiting at a fortress overnight this error scrolled by playing an un-modded, un-tweaked version 2.005 save game post 2.012 release on steam.
  13. kwbudirt

    Where's Brunhild in sandbox?

    no, you learned that you don't know how they work and you should research about it before posting "how you think they work" for others players  :razz:

    Saying a prayer for you kalerhan.
    Its that white box in the upper right side of the forum window.  :mrgreen:
  14. kwbudirt

    How to be a successful viking conqueror? Please help!

    1) Tweaks you should ask on the.. Tweaks thread!  :mrgreen:

    2) It works (it uses regex...)

    But, we'd just rather post a question. It's easier than searching, reading, and figuring things out. I mean, really.  :razz:
  15. kwbudirt

    Flaithbertach's grandchildren cant be found?

    as you go forward, there is a wealth of discussion, tips , and spoilers in the release thread. also searching by npc name will reap a wealth of content.
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