Recent content by kovalchuck

  1. Plans for Next Relase

    How about a mix of

    Mount and Blade and King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame
  2. Idea

    kovalchuck said:
    And you can store your 30 men at the basement! Seriously, a house is not enough when you have an army to take care of...

    maybe house isn't what i should have said
    hope this clears it up a bit

    you will only have an army or men to take care of when the king needs your help other wise your on your own
    (so which means you can have your own army or you can use the kings/queens/etc... army)

    you can have a house at your main home or place of choice say Pravean and in improves over the course of the game
    example like the ranking system

    you can start from living in

    Farm house
    Castle basement or dungeon
    to having your own personal room in the castle itself
    to having your own mansion
    your own land
  3. Idea

    someboddy said:
    "I am Westley the farm boy. Now face my army of 30 soldiers!"
    Well... I guess that can work for all the people who want to see apple collecting quests...

    Look, the promotion idea isn't a bad one, but ranks should start higher - maybe Captain->Major->General->etc.

    obviously your not going to have an army in the beginning you have work for it
    when your well known people will want to follow you, but if your squire boy i don't think so

    Farm boy(or what ever rank name) can be just learning the game
    Squire boy will have mission like delivering messages or something, or espionage or recon missions, collect taxes, etc...
    Different ranks different missions
  4. Warband Mod List *OLD*

    thanks for the mods you guys rock
  5. Idea

    This game is a great idea.  So much more potential.  I'm no game developer or anything.  If i only could learn really fast. But here is some suggestion.  If it is possible. Maybe for Mount & Blade 2 or something - more/better missions from Kings and/or Vassals, mission from towns, and the...
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