Recent content by Keryyn

  1. Keryyn

    1812 - Single Player Remake - Beta IV - "The Emperor's Finest" (Released) V1.1

    Hi again, man, you've busy ! You sir are making my new uniforms blush as they fight on such nice battlefields ! Almost made me wanting to come back to modding this module ^^ !
  2. Keryyn

    Videos & Sreenshots

    Hi, very impressiv work ! i thought about trying to make scenes, but i'm just a noob in modding that game, i only know how to tweak text files and make a few variants of uniform :s !

    If you keep on going, i might be able to implement my russians troops and you'll be able to release an update featuring those nice sceneries !
  3. Keryyn

    crosshair mod

    That is not because of my module ... Oo Ithink you can use various other mods to tweak the crosshair ingame, it wouldn't be hard, i just never tried. It's a simple image file i'm sure anyone can modify as he sees fit.
  4. Keryyn

    Gendarmie d'elite

    Beware they are very expensive ... But they do look cool, however they are not a field unit, supposedly they were charged with police duties and guarding important section of the camp, such as the emperor's tent and other VIP.

    It was a bit stupid of me to make them so easy to get, but the french troop tree was already pretty big and difficult to understand without a proper guide or player experience ...
  5. Keryyn

    compatible with version 1.158?

    It's dead in a way, i have not been able to update it for quite some time. it used to work nice with 1.154 i think. But now there might be a lot of bugs or immersion breaking issues, like cities and lords names etc ...
  6. Keryyn



    I have not worked on the mod for quite some time. My russians are gathering dust in an external HDD for now, as well as most of poomtangs work and my new texture files ... I don't know if i will resume working on this module. I thank the community who still helps people here to install and understand the module and i hope you guys are having fun !
  7. Keryyn

    Russia 1812

    I have no news from him, i think he waits for M&B 2 and is working on another mod somewhere else for now.
  8. Keryyn

    Russia 1812

    I'm not dead xD !

    I have everything to make a russian expansion mod, just lacking time and motivation, but maybe i can provide russian stuff as some kind of DLC, simply adding troops and equipement that the player can then buy/recruit and forge his own russian empire ! Of course it's far from being realistic and it keeps the vanilla map ... Still, it's better than letting my russian uniforms and flags rot in my HDD ...

    Companions would then become russian lords, everything is possible, i just need to change their gender, and work on their stories a little to avoid game breaking comments, but it's not really important. at least they could become lords and hold lands.

    Just an idea though.
  9. Keryyn

    Malicious Software

    Module archives are 100% virus free, rest assured. I'm using them myself when i need to get back some files ...
  10. Keryyn

    1812 - Single Player Remake - Beta IV - "The Emperor's Finest" (Released) V1.1

    Hi guys, i was on vacation in China so i haven't replied on the forums for quite some time. I still have everything to keep going with this mod but i'm lacking both the time and motivation i'm afraid, i'll make some backups of our work and my new russian and french uniforms in case i'm going to release anything in the future.

    Thank you for replying to others while i was away and accept my sincirest apologies for the blackout !
  11. Keryyn

    are there still servers?

    Hi, this is a single player module mainly right now, even though i was planning on modding the custom battles and such, so there's no servers running it right now. Sorry !
  12. Keryyn


    Hi, Portugal will not be implemented. I have too little info on them, especially for troops and commanders. However it is possible some mercenaries will be portugese troops, like the polish legion for the french... If i can manage to release another module with the russians i'll think about it but it is not likely going to happen.
  13. Keryyn

    1812 - Single Player Remake - Beta IV - "The Emperor's Finest" (Released) V1.1

    Falkner92 said:
    Man, would you ever consider releasing these uniforms as a OSP? That would be SOOOO cool...
    Yes, without any news from poomtang and if i simply run out of time to make a good sequel with a cleaner base, i will release skins and models as an osp.

    I'm very busy at work and i lost the module i was working on with the implemented russians. I have the models and textures and the .PSD files to bring everything back ingame but i'm lacking the time.

    It gives me an opportunity however to start working on a base module like diplomacy or NMC which includes it already. The map is tedious to work with, i would need someone who has a working map editor to make some changes, and turn rebel all the settlements which are not linked to one of the faction i'll implement.

    There's a lot of work, and frankly right now i can't do anything since i really don't have time. I'll keep people posted here as soon as i have news. But, like i said a few months back, consider the current module beta IV as final for now, i don't have any release date for the next upgrade. Sorry guys !
  14. Keryyn

    Which is the MP one?

    I think the first releases by poomtang and vympel had little mp support but i'm not sure, as for my part i'm afraid only the single player part is handled.
  15. Keryyn

    Troop tree

    If i'm not mistaken you can get them through french cuirassier at some point.
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