Recent content by KaplanKANKA

  1. Why Is This Forum Section So Toxic?

    I have no clue guys why you are so mad and salty over a video game, personally I find the game great and if you think that the devs will listen to literally a minority's feedback while the minority is being toxic as ****, grow up or go out to vomit ur rage somewhere else.
  2. Heavy Inf

    Current changes that are being tested out (regarding the post, these are not the only changes obviously):
    • Skirmisher Throwing Spears replace default javs (Non-Captain Modes)
    • Throwing weapons don't deal bonus damage to shields.
    • Throwing Spears can't be picked up from corpses and will have some damage reductions.
    • Skirmishers have weaker melee capabilities
    • Heavy Inf has higher move speed and acceleration
    • Heavy Inf has more defensive and offensive capabilities
    The plan is to not allow Skirmishers to melee as good as other infantry so that they are discouraged from giving up their Throwing Spears to Cavalry. Also reducing the over abundance of Throwing Spears as the round progresses, once a Throwing Spears deals damage it will be technically removed from the game.
    Heavy Infantry will also be much more capable offensively and defensively to improve their overall combat effectiveness optionally in all areas depending on perks picked.

    The reason we didn't send a small quick balance change is that there are quite a lot of changes on troops, also a significant amount of combat changes and they all work together. We want to see where the game settles after all these changes and then make adjustments depending on feedback.

    We will share more details later on, we are finalizing the branch. what about this bug? it's still exist
  3. Why Is This Forum Section So Toxic?

    I think the community too toxic, if I would be the dev, I wouldn't want to respond anywhere in this forum as well. and I love bannerlord!
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