Recent content by Jon Warren

  1. Jon Warren

    Conclusion on "Chinese mod abuse" Issue

    Well, I hope you already dropped Steam then. They're making a special client just for China, to be clear, this client will be fully in line with with guidelines the Chinese Government demands, and used specifically in the Country. Most Entertainment platforms from Movies to Videogames have some sort of relationship with China these days as well, actually pretty much every company/product you likely have in your home has some sort of relationship with China as they manufacture quite a bit of products. Tencent has bought quite a lot of stock in various publishers and active relationships with others, like Activision-Blizzard. Personally, as long as whoever does business in China keeps China's demands only for China, there is no issue for me. China runs it's country however it wants, if the people don't like it then it's up to them to change it. Other countries have various regulations as it befits them, Germany for instance doesn't allow depictions of the Swastika and such in games. It becomes an issue when one country's political ideology starts to affect things for everyone in the world. I don't live in China, I don't want to be censored like they are.

    As for this situation, Perhaps a little more could be done but Taleworlds has corrected the issue for the most part. From the sounds of things it seems like a simple abuse of trust from people who helped with localization for the game in that region. As long as Taleworlds has realized that the abuse of trust has occurred and are likely scrutinizing every report they make on a case by case basis, or simply not give authority to take reports from that specific forum then, as far as I'm concerned the issue is solved at that point.

    I know. I saw an article, I'm waiting to see if Steam actually goes through with it. I won't pay money to a company that helps enslave people, regardless of whether it personally affects me or not.

    Censorship of free speech is very different from censorship of iconic imagery connected to hate crimes.

    I can get my fun elsewhere. There is too much injustice and brutality in the world for me to help fund the continuation of it.

    "First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist
    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist
    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist
    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew
    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me"

  2. Jon Warren

    Conclusion on "Chinese mod abuse" Issue

    Not sure exactly what's going on. Despite my intense love for the Mount and Blade series, if it comes out that Taleworlds aids any government in the censorship of their citizens, I will never purchase another product from them till the day I die. Same goes for Steam or any other platforms or game studios out there. Human rights are no joke.

    I'll be tuned in for more info. Created an account to make sure I made my position known.

    Stay safe folks!
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