Recent content by Janrok

  1. Janrok

    The Legions! 0.4 RELEASED

    RTW styled, and as long as the sword is still good, its fine with me
  2. Janrok

    Empire:WOC (v1.6x),(.894)-(.960) [Dead]

    sniperfreak said:
    am i the only one who thinks this astarsis is a bit of a freak?  :shock:

    Not really.
  3. Janrok

    The final release format - wishes, desires and the bottom dollar...

    Miclee said:
    Third option. I can picture the box now.

  4. Janrok

    A long existing upgrade flaw!

    SPD_Phoenix said:
    Change "Knight" to something else like "Swadia Heavy Cavalry" instead of "Swadia Knight". You still can get Knight by meeting with the King. If you (and your troops) did some good deeds, the King may be happy enough to knight some of your top tier troops. Knights should have higher level (like those Dark Knights).

    We have a winner!
  5. Janrok

    A long existing upgrade flaw!

    I think it should also be added that to upgrade troops, you would have to be in a town, so they can buy their new arms and armor

    Just a suggestion
  6. Janrok

    Medieval II: Total War Mod - New ship...

    Denmark has Viking raiders
  7. Janrok


    Tulon said:
    On a sidenote: I'm hereby officially requesting a "chip off projectiles from your shield using your melee weapon" animation like demonstrated by King Leonidas in 300. :razz:

  8. Janrok

    God of War

    If its so mediocre, why has it won so many awards?
  9. Janrok

    God of War

    You people must think Mount & Blade is the only decent game out there.
  10. Janrok

    God of War

    13 Spider Bloody Chain said:
    Eh...I don't like the main character. There's one thing to be badass, and another to be just trying to hard.

    I mean, some of his "badassness" comes from killing people that didn't really need to be killed. Ripping a Medusa's head off? Badass. Killing the only guy who could translate the stuff on the door to make clear your path? Not so much.

    The dude didn't want to cooperate! What better way than to crush his skull? Besides, blood was need to open the door
  11. Janrok

    Some Sugestions

    Couched lances need some kind of nerfing.
  12. Janrok

    God of War

    You must be joking.
  13. Janrok

    God of War

    Why is there no topic about this ridiculously good game? Start praising... now! Its just awesome. Its good enough reason to buy a PS2
  14. Janrok

    TPW - Original Thread (locked)

    This is going to be epic.

    like ostriches
  15. Janrok


    Indeed it would be fun charging at some peasant trying to block your Heavy Great Axe with a club, only to be disarmed by the Axe's might :grin:
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