Recent content by Jabronius

  1. Helmet morphs to face, nose guard won't stay rigid as it is in openBRF

    Just in case there is another way, I have to ask does anyone know why this even happens and if there's a way to keep it deformed to the face but not touching? If there's a way I can edit that I would love to know. I'll show you two examples of what I mean.


    so neither helmets are skinned, mounted, or attached to armature. They both form to the face but the second one the nose guard always touches. Is there any way to fix that while keeping the rest as is? I would definitely prefer it to morph with the head a little bit to prevent any clipping. I tried splitting into connected submeshes to see if the nose guard was its own seperate mesh but it was still attached to the helmet.
  2. Helmet morphs to face, nose guard won't stay rigid as it is in openBRF

    You're on the right track!

    You want the to keep the helmet's skinning and apply itp_attach_armature to the item, but then have to do something a little weird.

    You assign the helmet's mesh as a submesh. The engine only deforms the primary mesh to match facekeys, any submeshes are skipped.


    In the referenced image, the helmet's mesh is actually the submesh prehawk_helmet.1 with an empty "mesh" as prehawk_helmet. The new primary mesh doesn't have to be empty, but know whatever is there will be deformed by the game engine.

    This trick only works on the Native Engine, WSE2's updated engine modified the way helmets are deformed by facekeys so all submeshes are deformed as well.

    I created the empty by using the Compute LODs tool an already decimated LOD until there were no more triangles.
    Thank you for your response, I actually realized I just needed to skin it mounted to head and then attach armature. But I found this by trying your method so thank you. This is good to know for the future as well.
  3. Helmet morphs to face, nose guard won't stay rigid as it is in openBRF

    I have been trying to stop this issue with this one helmet in a mod. The nose guard on the helmet bends to the characters face, seeming to bend inward or outward to the noses position. The rest of the helmet seems to stay completely rigid. I've tried skinning and discarding skinning in openBRF...
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