Recent content by iSimplyCD

  1. iSimplyCD

    Can't Open Mod Tools

    I'm getting a weird error stating "qt plugin failed to initialize". I've tried re-installing both Bannerlord and Mod Tools to no avail. I even tried re-installing Windows 10. The mod tools were working fine before and then this started happening for no apparent reason. If anyone could help it...
  2. iSimplyCD

    Module Daily Tick Crash

    Ok I figured it out, it had nothing to do with the workshops file.

    It doesn’t like my settlements file for my custom map, if I change the “settlements” file in my mod and add a brand new culture to a town it crashes.

    But if I replace both the culture in the vanilla “settlements” file and the one from my mod it doesn’t crash, no idea why but it works now.
    Oh ok. I'm new to all this modding stuff so I assumed the problem came from workshops.xml. Glad you found a fix!
  3. iSimplyCD

    Module Daily Tick Crash

    The Error I get is:

    Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

    Inner Exception: No module
    No inner exception was thrown

    - Callstacks

    Protip: Use a debugger like dnSpy or Visual studio to trace the source of error, by stepping the program line by line.

    Inner exception callstack: No inner exception was thrown
    Outer exception callstack: at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.SandBox.CampaignBehaviors.WorkshopsCampaignBehavior.BuildWorkshopForHero(Hero ownerHero, Int32 shopIndex, Boolean changeOwnerName)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.SandBox.CampaignBehaviors.WorkshopsCampaignBehavior.BuildWorkshopsAtGameStart()
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec list)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.OnNewGameCreated2()
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.OnNewGameCreated2()
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnNewGameCreated(CampaignGameStarter starter)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnGameCreated(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, GameTypeLoadingStates& nextState)
    at StoryMode.CampaignStoryMode.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, GameTypeLoadingStates& nextState)
    at TaleWorlds.Core.GameType.DoLoadingForGameType()
    at StoryMode.StoryModeGameManager.DoLoadingForGameManager(GameManagerLoadingSteps gameManagerLoadingStep, GameManagerLoadingSteps& nextStep)
    at TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.DoLoadingForGameManager()
    at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GameLoadingState.OnTick(Single dt)
    at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(Single dt)
    at DMD?13255350::OnApplicationTick_Patch1>(Module this, Single dt)
    What's bolded in red is your problem. You need to create an spworkshops.xml for your settlement. The template for the xml should be in the module "Sandbox".
  4. iSimplyCD

    Module Daily Tick Crash

    So I’ve got to a point creating a custom culture and kingdom but it keeps crashing after I assign them a settlement.
    All I’ve done to create my custom kingdom was:
    Copy kingdom template, change id, owner, banner and culture

    On spclans, changed culture of A clan to my new custom culture, Then changed super faction to the name of the kingdom above

    Then in the cultures file created my new culture.

    And created a new troop line for recruitment which has settlement cultures changed to so they can be recruited.

    However when I start a new campaign after assigning a new culture to a settlement, the game will crash.
    Do you know what I’ve done wrong?
    Everything else like the troop trees are in game, but assigning a settlement to a new faction causes the game to crash.
    What error do you get? Get the mod "Better Exception Window" if you don't have it and see what error occurs in the Callstack.
  5. iSimplyCD

    Module Daily Tick Crash

    You need to create a spcspecialcharacters.xml and add notables to the file. The template for it should be in the Native module. If you also get a rare crash stating the game can't create companions you need to create a file for that too.
  6. iSimplyCD

    Module Daily Tick Crash

    I figured it out myself.
  7. iSimplyCD

    Module Daily Tick Crash

    I'm getting this error and was wondering if anyone knew the steps to fixing it. I've created a custom culture and everything is working fine except this crash that starts happening after you create your kingdom with the custom culture. Object reference not set to an instance of an object...
  8. iSimplyCD

    Random Crash While Using Custom Culture

    While playing a mod I created my game will start crashing randomly 600 days in giving me this error message: object reference not set to an instance of an object Is there any way to fix this? All my mod contains are xml files. I do use a mod called Change Settlement Cultures to get my custom...
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